Saturday, July 15, 2006

Team Fortress last¡¡¡

Parece que por fin saldra este juego que ha estado en espera desde 1999 (se acerca a los niveles de Duke Nukem FOREVER) al parecer VALVE lo incluira en el futuro Half-Life 2: Episode 2 , ¿será el mismo tipo de juego de aquel lejano ayer?

Yo creo que no pues lo que en ese entonces era "rompedor" ahora pareceria rutinario y veriamos a muchos reviewers tirarle a matar

Pués bien , se ha dicho que se pretende que sea tan distinto que los jugadores pareceran personajes de peliculas de animación de Pixar

A mi no me molesta y creo que a nigun gamer que no sea un cretino tampoco

Newell then dropped an even bigger bombshell by showing off Team Fortress 2. Those familiar with Valve's history know that Team Fortress 2 was an ambitious multiplayer action game that was supposed to come out after the original Half-Life. However, the game quietly disappeared after years of development, and it was assumed that Valve dropped the project.

Well, Team Fortress 2 is back and will be included with Episode Two, and it looks like nothing else on the market. Newell explained that Valve wanted to make this action game distinct, so the graphics (which use the Source engine) look like a Pixar-animated movie. To reinforce this, the various character classes in the game look like cartoon caricatures. These include the Medic with the huge needle or the Demoman with the sticks of explosives. Other classes include the Heavy, the Spy, the Scout, the Engineer, the Sniper, the Soldier, and the Pyro. Newell says that the goal with Team Fortress 2 is to create "the best-looking and best-playing class-based multiplayer game." Team Fortress 2 is certainly unique in appearance, so we'll see how it plays.

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