Monday, December 26, 2011

luces navideñas al ritmo del tema de Skyrim

Pedro The Ugliest Dog In The World

Pedro The Ugliest Dog In The WorldPedro The Ugliest Dog In The World by Papa G

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

No se a quien va dirigido este libro
¿a los niños de los migrantes?
Es una historia muy simple y que además de recordarnos a Rango por su frecuente mezcla de idiomas, en mi caso se nutrió de la Película de Gore Verbinski como apoyo visual

Su detalle más jocoso es lo del "what the flufff", no se quien es el público objetivo, seguro no soy yo, no se porque me lo recomendó el kindle

View all my reviews

Thursday, December 22, 2011

¿qué demonios pasa con las Dakotas?

Este es un vídeo del MIT en que muestra la adopción de Twitter, ciertamente en las costas fue más rápido y California (digo San Francisco) fue el primero en incendiarse junto a NYC, pero después todo el país lo hizo, excepto en Fargo no, las Dakotas no querían.

Eso me hizo pensar en México, es un país donde el uso de las redes sociales se ha disparado, un montón de haraganes se han declarado social media experts y mucha gente usa las redes sociales como si nosotros usaramos un torno CNC para destapar cervezas con su carcaza, con sus jaladas de
"Mandame un ibox" o "es ping pong" ...¡No!, no es ping pong en*de*os , para eso Facebook se copió las arrobas de Twitters ¡Asnos!

Praise be to Magic Woody Allen Zombie Superman Komodo Dragon Telepathic Vampire Quantum Hovercraft *Me* Jesus!

Jesus was a Jewish philosopher
Had a lot of nice ideas
About our existential fears
Much admired by his peers
Short and Jewish and quite political
Often hesitant and very analytical

Praise be to Jesus
Praise be to Woody Allen Jesus
Woody Allen Jesus!

Jesus was a great entertainer
Doing cool tricks all of the time
Turning water into wine
Making stormy weather fine
Even now his stunts confound us
Kinda did what Darren Brown does

Praise be to Jesus
Praise be to magic Woody Allen Jesus
Magic Woody Allen Jesus!

Jesus died but then came back to life
So the Holy Bible said
Kinda like in Dawn of the Dead
Like a film by Simon Pegg
Try that these days, you’d be in trouble
Geeks would try to smack you with a shovel

Praise be to Jesus
Praise be to Magic Woody Allen Zombie Jesus
Magic Woody Allen Zombie Jesus!

Jesus ascended into Heaven
He was an incredible guy
You don’t often find fellas that fly
Disappear right into the sky
And only once did he use this ability
With great power comes great responsibility

Praise be to Jesus
Praise be to Magic Woody Allen Zombie Superman Jesus

Jesus’ mom gave birth to him
without having sex with a dude
No, she would never be that rude
Never even be nude with a dude
Breeding without the opposite gender is
Commonly known as parthenogenesis
Other animals that don’t need males
Include a lot of lizards and various snails

Praise be to Jesus
Praise be to Magic Woody Allen Zombie Superman Komodo Dragon Jesus

Jesus can communicate with the deceased
Like Psychic Sally–
Jesus lives forever, which is pretty odd
But not as odd as his fetish for drinking blood
Jesus is in more than one place at a time
Like an electron or Schrödinger’s feline
Jesus pulled off that water walking miracle
He was as handy as an amphibious vehicle
Jesus had very long hair and a beard

But I’m not saying it’s me
I’m not saying that I am Jesus
I’m not saying that I am Jesus
I am Jesus!

Praise be to Jesus
Praise be to Magic Woody Jesus
Woody Allen Jesus!
Praise be to Magic Woody Allen Zombie Superman Komodo Dragon
Telepathic Vampire Quantum Hovercraft *Me* Jesus!

Thanks to Reed Braden for the lyrics and Don M for bringing this Tim Minchin song to my attention

#Sopa Cabaña

El gobierno mexicanoe s un asco, primero se adorna con acta y a escondidas dice si a SOPA, asco, asco, una bola de idiotas que no saben usar la tecnología más que para consumir, ahí están con sus tabletas que ni operar saben

2011 desde la butaca