Sunday, May 1, 2011

Dropbox authentication: insecure by design

A dropbox, uno de mis servicios preferidos, le ha estado lloviendo por todas partes, primero admitieron que sus empleados de hecho si tienen acceso a los archivos (mucho ojo con lo que pones por ahí)
De hecho fue la raíz de Et Tu, DropBox?

Y luego esto, una vulnerabilidad que compromete muy severamente la privacidad, en el blog de Derek Newton encontramos esta nota y el vídeo que pone a temblar a los que dejan su compu accesible a otros: Dropbox authentication: insecure by design

Concuerdo con el experto, que bueno que se comunica esta vulnerabilidad para que la gente de Dropbox pueda remediarla

Hopefully, Dropbox will recognize the need for additional security and add in protection mechanisms that will make it less trivial to gain long-term unauthorized access to a user’s Dropbox as well as provide better means to mitigate and detect an exposure. Until such time, I’m hoping that this writeup helps brings to light how the authentication method used my Dropbox may not be as secure as previously assumed and that, as always, it is important to take steps to protect your data from compromise.

Mientras tanto puede que quieras darle un vistazo a estas ligas:

UVM Febrero - Junio 2011

Friday, April 29, 2011

The one with SLI for AMD

Despite what a jerk like this one would have you believe
This was an important announcement on nvidia's page.

Finally SLI will be an option for AMD CPUs, as Petersen said:

SLI has been licensed to the world’s leading motherboard companies for integration onto their upcoming motherboards featuring AMD’s 990FX, 990X and 970 chipsets. ASUS, Gigabyte, ASRock, and MSI are among the first motherboard manufacturers to offer this new capability

When you are not a dick like that kid from the first line, you realize this single act from Nvidia had been coming a long time, all the great hardware vendors are involved, Intel has the great performing CPUs, AMD has nothing to compare and they had to settle for going for the budget builders and the ones that would like to use only crossfire, whereas AMD had licensed crossfire to any motherboard capable or feeding the needed slots.

The great performance advantage meant for Intel to charge a premium for their products, hopefully this will make the good parts a little cheaper in order to maintain their share for gaming parts, geforce vendors will tap into another part of the allegedly shrinking PC gaming market and we, the builders get new options, perhaps you would like to try a Bulldozer CPU and now you can pair it to a SlI setup.

Controversy arose when Petersen said that according to steam 93% of multiGPU configurations used SLI, crossfire users and naysayer began complaining that steam always failed to detect their setup.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Infografía : Redes sociales y estudiantes

Hay algunos estudios que relacionan usar facebook con la depresión, la gente edita mucho si vida y parece que todo es color de rosa, lo que hace que nuestro instinto de compararnos orille a algunos a sentirse menos realizados.

Otra cuestión innegable es que hay gente que necesita hacer muchas cosas a la vez, y hay quienes hacen muchas a la vez, pero ninguna particularmente bien (eso toca cerca de casa) ha realizado esta infografia (muchas cosas sólo aplican para USA; otras si son universales) sobre el efecto de las redes sociales en los estudiantes.

Is Social Media Ruining Students?

Pepe y se acabo

Pepe nos mato
Pues está ya todo muy cuesta arriba, hay que ir al estadio de los cules a ganar por 3
Pepe, pieza fundamental del planteamiento de Mou enloqueció y plancho al pecho frío (cuando juega con su selección) de Alves y se acabo.

Una ves más el Madrid se quedo con 10 frente al Barcelona, ahora no hay que buscar responsables, Pepe, pudo haber querido poner todo el corazón y darle un acicate a su equipo, pero la historia que es un juez frío ha decretado que él fue el villano de un nuevo triunfo del equipo con más villamelones del mundo.

Y pues la imagen es la del pigmeo que llego a 52 goles, pero no, mejor vamos a poner al expulsado Mou

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

para la trivia

¿puede conectar usted estas dos entradas?

it was bloody time

"Nintendo Co. Ltd. has decided to launch in 2012 a system to succeed Wii, which the company has sold 86.01 million units on a consolidated shipment basis between its launch in 2006 and the end of March 2011,

Sunday, April 24, 2011

the one with the joystick talk and the crimson skies nostalgia

I can agree to some extent
Opinion: Why Braid really is pretentious

Thinking of buying this as a palliative to the loss of this, but I need the parcel service to deliver this item first
And yes, I´m and old fella, I still want to play using joysticks despite the fact that 0 recent games use them.
Logitech Force 3D Pro Joystick (Black/Grey)

Several reviews from the old days when crimson skies was all the rage....well it actually never was

By the way, this new editor for blogger sucks in a big way, the only saving grace it has is the number of attachments for uploading pictures, but even after that it blows, there is no liberty to stretch the image to the desired size

Since we´re talking joysticks, well, the joystick won, it became the right way to navigate a 3d environment using a gamepad and now the xbox 360 controller and the dualshock3 (as did the sixaxis) have two of them (N64 showed the way with the wave bird) and although the sane thing to do is forget about joystick, there is hope for a better future, some dudes are researching hydraulic metallic force feedback controllers.

They are (were?) called Paccus Interfaces and were interviewed in 2009 by guru3D
Their website does not make me have great hopes, but they say they'll be delivering the first joysticks in Q2 2011

Another development is this ForceFeedback Joystick Driver for Java found at sourceforge.
We all know that freemium is what is coming for PCs, it is a sad reality, a bunch of stupid games like jerkville and the likes will abound, and that idiotic onlive will be also an option, but hey, at least some studios are saying goodbye to the greatest gaming environment with style, Fable III on PC won't be like the console version that plays by itself