Sunday, September 1, 2013

Call of Duty: Ghosts también hará uso de tecnologías nvidia

AMD está en ambas consolas (que son tan parecidas que la distinción es puro marketing)
Así que Nvidia le ha entrado conganas a las negociaciones con diferentes sellos como Ubisoft, y ahora anuncian que también enriqueceran la experiencia de juego de la n-sima entrega de COD

Today at GamesCom, in Cologne, Germany, NVIDIA and Activision announced a technical partnership that will see the PC edition of Call of Duty: Ghosts enhanced with NVIDIA technology and additional features, creating the definitive version of the highly anticipated title.

A Kotaku le habían dicho lo siguiente

PC [version] is taking a different tack from previous games [in the series]." Older versions of Call of Duty were built with the same graphics assets as the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions, he revealed. "Now, PC has its own set of assets. It's going to look better than any Call of Duty we've ever made on PC. PC textures are "using an even higher [resolution] version in many cases than the next-gen consoles," laying the groundwork for other fidelity-enhancing effects and features"

Parece que estos ingratos por fin se acuerdan de la gente que les recibió con los brazos abiertos, y a la que dejaron por una bola de palurdos que juegan con PAD

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