Sunday, June 8, 2014 Galaxy

Además de "Yes please" se nos ocurren muchas cosas al ver la oferta de los amigos de

A pesar de los muchos juegos que tengo en Steam, yo "le entro a todo", tengo juegos en siete u ocho frentes, y ahora, es un hecho que compraré The Witcher 3 en gog.

El anuncio de GoG Galaxy

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Look Up

Este debate lleva ya un rato, y seguirá por un tiempo

Siento que sataniza muchas cosas, digo, hay cosas como meetup que tienen como meta juntar gente IRL.

La parte de los niños, esa si es fuerte, por un lado Mark los quiere con él , busca el modo legal, por otra parte, cuantos no están ya ahí de cualquier modo.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Zinio: Boldly Go, PC Gamer (US Edition) | July 201...

Boldly Go

I like to believe that for most of us, PC gaming isn’t simply a way to escape from life or “blow off steam.” Part of the reason we put Civilization: Beyond Earth on the front of your magazine this month is that it’s an expression of games’ capacity to get us thinking about greater issues and aspirations: humanity’s place in the universe; science; Earth itself. There’s a quote from the math-and-stickfigures webcomic XKCD that perfectly encapsulates the sequel’s premise: “The universe is probably littered with the one-planet graves of cultures which made the sensible economic decision that there’s no good reason to go into space—each discovered, studied, and remembered by the ones who made the irrational decision.”

As you read (and, if you’re a space enthusiast like me, get very excited) about Civ: Beyond Earth this month, I encourage you to think about what games you’re playing that inspire you rather than simply operating as recreational downtime between life’s requirements. If you’ve got a particular gaming experience to share along those lines, we’d love to hear about it at


read an article from PC Gamer (US Edition) | July 2014 and would like to share it with you!

The original article is included as an attachment to this message.

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