Sunday, October 22, 2006

Buenos resultados

Estoy bastante enfermo, la garganta cerrada, la temperatura muy elevada, el cuerpo cortado, el flujo, etc.
Rara vez me enfermo, pero cuando me enfermo (siempre es de las vias respiratorias y eso que no fumo) me da muy cañon.

Así que entre ayer y hoy estuve leyendo unos TPB de Ultimate spiderman, viendo episodios de Seinfeld (serie antiquisima, más o menos de la época de los Simpson, pero que supo terminar a tiempo), viendo uno que otro dvd, etc y claro aún a pesar de la terrible recepción que hay aquí por mi casa, tenía que ver el partido Águilas-mininos.

El uniforme especial no me gusto tanto, pero ver esa cantidad de azul en el pecho me remonto a épocas muy buenas (pero muy mal Nike, esperabá más de tí).

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El equipo se vio solido atras (como le ha hecho tanta falta, el segundo gol surgio a raiz de una entrada limpia y viril, creo que hoy el América se vio bastante bien, acusando los mismos problemas de falta de entendimiento-acoplamiento al frente, que no le hacen mucho caso a Ochoa en la defensa, pero mejor que hace una jornadas) y en el primer tiempo metio las que tuvo, en el segundo tiempo evidencio que no hay cohesión.

Y aplico la misma receta con la que perdio el clásico, metio el primero y enseguida remato.

El resultado es bueno, este partido era importantisímo porque con la derrota ante Queretaro y la victoria de Pumas estaban muy cerca y de haber perdido la clasificación se hubiera visto muy muy lejana, necesitamos ser más contundentes, jugar mejor de visitante, darle minutos al hijo de mami Cuevas y a las "güera" Vuoso o de plano ya dejarlos en la banca.
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Pero ese no fue el único buen resultado de hoy, los merengues derrotaron al Barcelona en casa con identico marcador
Andan muy creciditos los de la ciudad condal y juraban que vencian a los mal llamados galacticos por segunda ocasión consecutiva.

El muy cuestionado Raul y el holandes Ruud Van Nistelrooy fueron los victimarios del Barcelona que pedrio esta semana el nuevo clásico europeo que ha formado con el Chelsea y el clásico español.

Esperó que repunte el Madrid, aunque no sea campeón, Beckham en la banca esta muy bien.

Pero no todo fue bueno, los Miami Dolphins perdieron (SI otra vez!!!) en su casa y de plano no veo para cuando lleguen al SuperBowl otra vez

La pelicula de Halo se esta cayendo

Hasta Guillermo del toro (por cierto ya vi "El laberinto del fauno") tenía esperanzas en esta pelicula producida por el übergeek de Peter Jackson .

Al parecer el probelma es que los grandes estudios que apoyaban este proyecto solicitarón audiencia con los cineastas Peter Jackson y Fran Walsh, tan solo unos días antes de una fecha de pago, para pedirles que le bajaran a sus tajada de las ganancias, ya que al parecer el presupuesto se estaba elevando dramaticamente, por ahí de los 145 millones de dolares, con todo y que Peter J. siempre graba en Nueva Zelanda para aprovechar los incentivos, a lo cual obviamente ellos dijeron que no.

Ahora sólo Microsoft puede salvar la pelicula de esa minita de la que se hizo cuando compro bungie, al parecer en WETA siguen trabajando y este asunto de FOx y Universal echandose para atras solo afectaría la fecha del estreno.

Universal Pictures and 20th Century Fox have backed out of co-financing the big screen adaptation of Microsoft's Halo, reports Variety.

The trade says that while rumors had the studios concerned over a budget that was rising above the original projected $135 million budget, the filmmakers said the double defection came after Universal and Fox played hardball and unsuccessfully tried to get the filmmakers and Microsoft to reduce their profit participation.

The studios made the pay cut demand as a Oct. 15 deadline approached. On that day Microsoft was to have received the bulk of a promised $5 million upfront payday. The software giant also stood to receive 10% of gross for rights to the game and a script by Alex Garland.

"The only budget the filmmakers every spoke about was $145 million less the 12.5% rebate that you get from shooting in New Zealand, which would put it at about $128 million," said Ken Kamins, who represents the pic's executive producers Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh. "That was the only number that was ever discussed.

"What happened was this: Universal, on behalf of both studios, asked for a meeting with the filmmakers just prior to the due date of a significant payment. Basically, they said that in order to move forward with the film, the filmmakers had to significantly reduce their deals. They waited until the last minute to have this conversation. Peter and Fran, after speaking with their producing partners and with Microsoft and Bungee, respectfully declined."

Kamins said Microsoft is already in talks with other distribution partners. Prep work on the film continues, he said.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

When you look at yourself from a universal standpoint, something inside always reminds or informs you that there are bigger and better things to worry about.

Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955), The World as I See It.


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Thursday, October 19, 2006

Ya falta poco

Muy poco para Marvel: Ultimate A.

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Los cuatro fantasticos (ó fantastic four) o o cuarteto fantastico fueron el parteaguas entre Timnely y Marevel, el primer comic de esta era de Stan Lee y compañía, eran el record de números consecutivos por un mismo equipo crativo (hasta USM) y un muy buen titulo, no tienen la empatía de un spiderman o el arrastre de los x-men ochenteros, pero es un título muy disfrutables.
Ahorita que las editoriales tiene diarrea de títulos (dense una vuelta por una tienda y van a ver cuantos títulois van en números bajos, el 10, el 4, etc, los como mil títulos de wolverine (ahora que tiene memoeria y material para muchos, muchos, muchos, muchos años), también les da por hacer historias alternativas o que al igual que las de SW no son "oficiales"

Tuvimos X-men:The end y ahora llega Fantastic four the END
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YO apoyo un juicio a Bush por crimenes contra su nación, y contra el mundo, él y todos sus jefes han arruinado y alterado las vidas de millones

By Keith Olbermann
Anchor, 'Countdown'
Updated: 1:00 p.m. MT Oct 19, 2006

We have lived as if in a trance.

We have lived as people in fear.

And now—our rights and our freedoms in peril—we slowly awaken to learn that we have been afraid of the wrong thing.

Therefore, tonight have we truly become the inheritors of our American legacy.

For, on this first full day that the Military Commissions Act is in force, we now face what our ancestors faced, at other times of exaggerated crisis and melodramatic fear-mongering:

A government more dangerous to our liberty, than is the enemy it claims to protect us from.

We have been here before—and we have been here before, led here by men better and wiser and nobler than George W. Bush.

We have been here when President John Adams insisted that the Alien and Sedition Acts were necessary to save American lives, only to watch him use those acts to jail newspaper editors.

American newspaper editors, in American jails, for things they wrote about America.

We have been here when President Woodrow Wilson insisted that the Espionage Act was necessary to save American lives, only to watch him use that Act to prosecute 2,000 Americans, especially those he disparaged as “Hyphenated Americans,” most of whom were guilty only of advocating peace in a time of war.

American public speakers, in American jails, for things they said about America.

And we have been here when President Franklin D. Roosevelt insisted that Executive Order 9066 was necessary to save American lives, only to watch him use that order to imprison and pauperize 110,000 Americans while his man in charge, General DeWitt, told Congress: “It makes no difference whether he is an American citizen—he is still a Japanese.”

American citizens, in American camps, for something they neither wrote nor said nor did, but for the choices they or their ancestors had made about coming to America.

Each of these actions was undertaken for the most vital, the most urgent, the most inescapable of reasons.

And each was a betrayal of that for which the president who advocated them claimed to be fighting.

Adams and his party were swept from office, and the Alien and Sedition Acts erased.

Many of the very people Wilson silenced survived him, and one of them even ran to succeed him, and got 900,000 votes, though his presidential campaign was conducted entirely from his jail cell.

And Roosevelt’s internment of the Japanese was not merely the worst blight on his record, but it would necessitate a formal apology from the government of the United States to the citizens of the United States whose lives it ruined.

The most vital, the most urgent, the most inescapable of reasons.

In times of fright, we have been only human.

We have let Roosevelt’s “fear of fear itself” overtake us.

We have listened to the little voice inside that has said, “the wolf is at the door; this will be temporary; this will be precise; this too shall pass.”

We have accepted that the only way to stop the terrorists is to let the government become just a little bit like the terrorists.

Just the way we once accepted that the only way to stop the Soviets was to let the government become just a little bit like the Soviets.

Or substitute the Japanese.

Or the Germans.

Or the Socialists.

Or the Anarchists.

Or the Immigrants.

Or the British.

Or the Aliens.

The most vital, the most urgent, the most inescapable of reasons.

And, always, always wrong.

“With the distance of history, the questions will be narrowed and few: Did this generation of Americans take the threat seriously, and did we do what it takes to defeat that threat?”

Wise words.

And ironic ones, Mr. Bush.

Your own, of course, yesterday, in signing the Military Commissions Act.

You spoke so much more than you know, Sir.

Sadly—of course—the distance of history will recognize that the threat this generation of Americans needed to take seriously was you.

We have a long and painful history of ignoring the prophecy attributed to Benjamin Franklin that “those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

But even within this history we have not before codified the poisoning of habeas corpus, that wellspring of protection from which all essential liberties flow.

You, sir, have now befouled that spring.

You, sir, have now given us chaos and called it order.

You, sir, have now imposed subjugation and called it freedom.

For the most vital, the most urgent, the most inescapable of reasons.

And — again, Mr. Bush — all of them, wrong.

We have handed a blank check drawn against our freedom to a man who has said it is unacceptable to compare anything this country has ever done to anything the terrorists have ever done.

We have handed a blank check drawn against our freedom to a man who has insisted again that “the United States does not torture. It’s against our laws and it’s against our values” and who has said it with a straight face while the pictures from Abu Ghraib Prison and the stories of Waterboarding figuratively fade in and out, around him.

We have handed a blank check drawn against our freedom to a man who may now, if he so decides, declare not merely any non-American citizens “unlawful enemy combatants” and ship them somewhere—anywhere -- but may now, if he so decides, declare you an “unlawful enemy combatant” and ship you somewhere - anywhere.

And if you think this hyperbole or hysteria, ask the newspaper editors when John Adams was president or the pacifists when Woodrow Wilson was president or the Japanese at Manzanar when Franklin Roosevelt was president.

And if you somehow think habeas corpus has not been suspended for American citizens but only for everybody else, ask yourself this: If you are pulled off the street tomorrow, and they call you an alien or an undocumented immigrant or an “unlawful enemy combatant”—exactly how are you going to convince them to give you a court hearing to prove you are not? Do you think this attorney general is going to help you?

This President now has his blank check.

He lied to get it.

He lied as he received it.

s there any reason to even hope he has not lied about how he intends to use it nor who he intends to use it against?

“These military commissions will provide a fair trial,” you told us yesterday, Mr. Bush, “in which the accused are presumed innocent, have access to an attorney and can hear all the evidence against them.”

"Presumed innocent," Mr. Bush?

The very piece of paper you signed as you said that, allows for the detainees to be abused up to the point just before they sustain “serious mental and physical trauma” in the hope of getting them to incriminate themselves, and may no longer even invoke The Geneva Conventions in their own defense.

"Access to an attorney," Mr. Bush?

ieutenant Commander Charles Swift said on this program, Sir, and to the Supreme Court, that he was only granted access to his detainee defendant on the promise that the detainee would plead guilty.

"Hearing all the evidence," Mr. Bush?

The Military Commissions Act specifically permits the introduction of classified evidence not made available to the defense.

Your words are lies, Sir.

They are lies that imperil us all.

“One of the terrorists believed to have planned the 9/11 attacks,” you told us yesterday, “said he hoped the attacks would be the beginning of the end of America.”

That terrorist, sir, could only hope.

Not his actions, nor the actions of a ceaseless line of terrorists (real or imagined), could measure up to what you have wrought.

Habeas corpus? Gone.

The Geneva Conventions? Optional.

The moral force we shined outwards to the world as an eternal beacon, and inwards at ourselves as an eternal protection? Snuffed out.

These things you have done, Mr. Bush, they would be “the beginning of the end of America.”

And did it even occur to you once, sir — somewhere in amidst those eight separate, gruesome, intentional, terroristic invocations of the horrors of 9/11 -- that with only a little further shift in this world we now know—just a touch more repudiation of all of that for which our patriots died --- did it ever occur to you once that in just 27 months and two days from now when you leave office, some irresponsible future president and a “competent tribunal” of lackeys would be entitled, by the actions of your own hand, to declare the status of “unlawful enemy combatant” for -- and convene a Military Commission to try -- not John Walker Lindh, but George Walker Bush?

For the most vital, the most urgent, the most inescapable of reasons.

And doubtless, Sir, all of them—as always—wrong.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

US population reaches 300 million
Woman with new born child in Florida
It is not possible to identify an official 300-millionth American
The US population has hit 300 million people, just 39 years after it reached 200 million, according to US Census Bureau estimates.

The population reached the milestone at 0746 (1146GMT) - a timing based on calculations that factor in birth and death rates and migration.

The bureau's maths suggests that the US gains one person every 11 seconds.

But it is not possible to say if the 300-millionth American was a new-born or crossed one of the US borders.

Correspondents say that there is not expected to be the same hullabaloo as when the figure of 100 million was reached in 1915, or the double century in 1967 when President Johnson gave a speech and newborn Robert Ken Woo Jr was hailed the 200-millionth American by Life magazine.

Ethnic diversity graph

Today, the population figure is mired in the divisive politics of immigration - a hot-button issue ahead of the 7 November mid-term elections, they say.

The population in the US is the third largest in the world, behind China and India.

According to the Census Bureau, 14% of the current US population is Hispanic, compared to 4% in 1966, and it is projected that a quarter of the population will be Hispanic in 2050.

It is also expected that in the next 50 years there will be more Hispanic births in the US than immigrants.

Green Room logo

Environmental groups have also cautioned on America's growing consumer consumption, and what they say are damaging "patterns" of population expansion.

Michael Replogle, of Environmental Defense, told the Associated Press news agency: "If the population grows in thriving existing communities, restoring the historic density of older communities, we can easily sustain that growth and create a more efficient economy without sacrificing the environment."

Ethnic diversity graph

Vicky Markham, director of the Center for Environment and Population, said "sprawl has become the most predominant form of land use", with the US becoming a "suburban nation".

"Sprawl is, by definition, more spread out. That of course requires more vehicles and more vehicle miles travelled," she told AP.

Other figures released by the Census Bureau, show how America has been changing since previous population milestones.

  • In 1915, immigrant citizens came mostly from Germany; in 1967 from Italy; and in 2006 mostly from Mexico
  • The average US family had 4.5 people in 1915, 3.3 in 1967 and 2.6 in 2006
  • Some 45.9% of Americans were property owners in 1915. That grew to 63.6% in 1967 and reached 68.9% in 2006
  • There were 4.5 million people aged 65 and older in 1915, or 4.5%; 19.1 million in 1967 (9.5%) and 36.8 million in 2006 (12.4%)
  • Life expectancy was 54.5 years in 1915, 70.5 years in 1967 and 77.8 years in 2006
  • About 23% of women were in the work force in 1915, compared to 41% in 1967 and 58% in 2006
  • There were 2.5 million cars in 1915, 98.9 million in 1967 and 237.2 million in 2006
  • John and Mary topped the list of most popular names in 1915; Michael and Lisa were favourites in 1967; and Jacob and Emily were preferred in 2006.

Population graph