Showing posts with label yahoo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yahoo. Show all posts

Monday, February 10, 2014

Happy 10th Birthday, Flickr! #Flickr10

Hoy paso algo...terrible...resulta que ya tengo una cana
¿A donde va la vida?

En ese escenario lugubre llego a casa, y me encuentro con que Flickr (pionero de comerse las vocales) ya tiene 10 añotes, y yo que con mi antipatía a Yahoo he tenido como tres o cuatro cuentas diferentes, no puedo mostrarles mis primeras fotos.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Is Microhoo a done deal?

Is it finally over?
In early 2008 when it seemed the crisis was never going to materialize Microsoft offered a huge amount of cash to buy Yahoo, but Yang was relentless in his Microsoft hatred and was keen on keeping the company free from the evil side so they declined the offer and demanded more money, a silly fact that forced shareholders to accept Yang's resignation and even then Microsoft refrained from bidding again and they just wanted the search engine business and now they have bing which is fairly capable but still is really far from Yahoo.

We'll see if all of those old mashups and mockups about yahoo being sold are going to be useful at last.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

FLV Player 2.0 build 25.

FLV Player 2.0 build 25.Hace casi un año le dedique un post a la versión 2.0 del FLV player, eran muy pocas las cosas nuevas de esa segunda iteración, la más importante la posibibilidad de hacer que el vídeo corriera en Fullscreen al hacer doble click en la imagen, además de darle una merecida lavada de cara.
Hoy, tenemos (y es todavía menos noticia) la nueva versión de éste programa que es por otro lado fundamental, si tomamos en cuenta que el de Youtube es el segundo motor de búsqueda del mundo (Yahoo, cada día eres menos) y que en ésta era de supuesta alta definición lo que manda son los vídeos en FLV, tanto así que amenazan con colapsar a la red y que son tan fáciles de al seá el SO que sea y FLV player es la mejor manera de verlos, así que es una mejora muy bienvenida, para éste elemento indispensable de las pcs con Windows.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Microsoft se retira de su oferta por yahoo

MicrohooEs ley de la vida, en la mitad de las ocasiones cundo hay ofertas no solicitadas de compra, el que oferto se va con las manos vacias.

Desde el sábado pasado nos preguntábamos ¿qué sigue? , se habían cumplido ya las tres semanas del ultimatum de Ballmer a la gente de Yahoo!

April 5, 2008
Board of Directors
Yahoo! Inc.
701 First Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94089

Dear Members of the Board:

It has now been more than two months since we made our proposal to acquire Yahoo! at a 62% premium to its closing price on January 31, 2008, the day prior to our announcement. Our goal in making such a generous offer was to create the basis for a speedy and ultimately friendly transaction. Despite this, the pace of the last two months has been anything but speedy.

While there has been some limited interaction between management of our two companies, there has been no meaningful negotiation to conclude an agreement. We understand that you have been meeting to consider and assess your alternatives, including alternative transactions with others in the industry, but we’ve seen no indication that you have authorized Yahoo! management to negotiate with Microsoft. This is despite the fact that our proposal is the only alternative put forward that offers your shareholders full and fair value for their shares, gives every shareholder a vote on the future of the company, and enhances choice for content creators, advertisers, and consumers.

During these two months of inactivity, the Internet has continued to march on, while the public equity markets and overall economic conditions have weakened considerably, both in general and for other Internet-focused companies in particular. At the same time, public indicators suggest that Yahoo!’s search and page view shares have declined. Finally, you have adopted new plans at the company that have made any change of control more costly.

By any fair measure, the large premium we offered in January is even more significant today. We believe that the majority of your shareholders share this assessment, even after reviewing your public disclosures relating to your future prospects.

Given these developments, we believe now is the time for our respective companies to authorize teams to sit down and negotiate a definitive agreement on a combination of our companies that will deliver superior value to our respective shareholders, creating a more efficient and competitive company that will provide greater value and service to our customers. If we have not concluded an agreement within the next three weeks, we will be compelled to take our case directly to your shareholders, including the initiation of a proxy contest to elect an alternative slate of directors for the Yahoo! board. The substantial premium reflected in our initial proposal anticipated a friendly transaction with you. If we are forced to take an offer directly to your shareholders, that action will have an undesirable impact on the value of your company from our perspective which will be reflected in the terms of our proposal.

It is unfortunate that by choosing not to enter into substantive negotiations with us, you have failed to give due consideration to a transaction that has tremendous benefits for Yahoo!’s shareholders and employees. We think it is critically important not to let this window of opportunity pass.


Steven A. Ballmer
Chief Executive Officer
Microsoft Corp.

Paso el sábado y nada, toda la semana las especulaciones corrieron como reguero de pólvora, que si ya habían comenzado a platicar con accionistas por su cuenta, que si iban a subir su oferta, de hecho en la noche del viernes se manejaban datos de que estaban subiendo unos cuatro dolares (unos 5 millardos de dolares más por la operación) por acción, de hecho yo traía una disputa en el twitter acerca de que ello no iba a pasar, lo que la gente de Yahoo decía es que se les hacía muy poco dinero (la verdad sus acciones no dejaban de caer y si subieron en Enero 31 fue por la oferta de Microsoft) aunque ya sabemos que la verdad es que a Yang, todo lo que tenga que ver con MS se e hace cosa del diablo, la primera negativa de Yahoo, el estar jugando al "Hard to get" en realidad se debía más a lo mucho que Yang odia a la compañia de Bill, disfrazado de buscar más para los accionistas.

Por otro lado, cuando Microsoft lanzo su oferta, sus acciones sintieron el golpe y en esa situación pasamos un poco más de tres meses, ayer por la noche se convirtió en un hecho,Microsoft retira su oferta y seguimos con dos compañías que no pueden hacer nada frente a Google.

Ballmer dijo cuando retiro su oferta

Mr. Jerry Yang
CEO and Chief Yahoo
Yahoo! Inc.
701 First Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94089

Dear Jerry:

After over three months, we have reached the conclusion of the process regarding a possible combination of Microsoft and Yahoo!.

I first want to convey my personal thanks to you, your management team, and Yahoo!’s Board of Directors for your consideration of our proposal. I appreciate the time and attention all of you have given to this matter, and I especially appreciate the time that you have invested personally. I feel that our discussions this week have been particularly useful, providing me for the first time with real clarity on what is and is not possible.

I am disappointed that Yahoo! has not moved towards accepting our offer. I first called you with our offer on January 31 because I believed that a combination of our two companies would have created real value for our respective shareholders and would have provided consumers, publishers, and advertisers with greater innovation and choice in the marketplace. Our decision to offer a 62 percent premium at that time reflected the strength of these convictions.

In our conversations this week, we conveyed our willingness to raise our offer to $33.00 per share, reflecting again our belief in this collective opportunity. This increase would have added approximately another $5 billion of value to your shareholders, compared to the current value of our initial offer. It also would have reflected a premium of over 70 percent compared to the price at which your stock closed on January 31. Yet it has proven insufficient, as your final position insisted on Microsoft paying yet another $5 billion or more, or at least another $4 per share above our $33.00 offer.

Also, after giving this week’s conversations further thought, it is clear to me that it is not sensible for Microsoft to take our offer directly to your shareholders. This approach would necessarily involve a protracted proxy contest and eventually an exchange offer. Our discussions with you have led us to conclude that, in the interim, you would take steps that would make Yahoo! undesirable as an acquisition for Microsoft.

We regard with particular concern your apparent planning to respond to a “hostile” bid by pursuing a new arrangement that would involve or lead to the outsourcing to Google of key paid Internet search terms offered by Yahoo! today. In our view, such an arrangement with the dominant search provider would make an acquisition of Yahoo! undesirable to us for a number of reasons:

First, it would fundamentally undermine Yahoo!’s own strategy and long-term viability by encouraging advertisers to use Google as opposed to your Panama paid search system. This would also fragment your search advertising and display advertising strategies and the ecosystem surrounding them. This would undermine the reliance on your display advertising business to fuel future growth.

Given this, it would impair Yahoo’s ability to retain the talented engineers working on advertising systems that are important to our interest in a combination of our companies.

In addition, it would raise a host of regulatory and legal problems that no acquirer, including Microsoft, would want to inherit. Among other things, this would consolidate market share with the already-dominant paid search provider in a manner that would reduce competition and choice in the marketplace.

This would also effectively enable Google to set the prices for key search terms on both their and your search platforms and, in the process, raise prices charged to advertisers on Yahoo. In addition to whatever resulting legal problems, this seems unwise from a business perspective unless in fact one simply wishes to use this as a vehicle to exit the paid search business in favor of Google.

It could foreclose any chance of a combination with any other search provider that is not already relying on Google’s search services.

Accordingly, your apparent plan to pursue such an arrangement in the event of a proxy contest or exchange offer leads me to the firm decision not to pursue such a path. Instead, I hereby formally withdraw Microsoft’s proposal to acquire Yahoo!.

We will move forward and will continue to innovate and grow our business at Microsoft with the talented team we have in place and potentially through strategic transactions with other business partners.

I still believe even today that our offer remains the only alternative put forward that provides your stockholders full and fair value for their shares. By failing to reach an agreement with us, you and your stockholders have left significant value on the table.

But clearly a deal is not to be.

Thank you again for the time we have spent together discussing this.

Sincerely yours,

Steven A. Ballmer
Chief Executive Officer
Microsoft Corporation

Y Yang salio feliz a gritar su "triunfo"

With the distraction of Microsoft's unsolicited proposal now behind us, we will be able to focus all of our energies on executing the most important transition in our history so that we can maximize our potential to the benefit of our shareholders, employees, partners and users

I am incredibly proud of the way our team has come together over the last three months. This process has underscored our unique and valuable strategic position. With the distraction of Microsofts unsolicited proposal now behind us, we will be able to focus all of our energies on executing the most important transition in our history so that we can maximize our potential to the benefit of our shareholders, employees, partners and users.
La verdad, como lo dije en su momento, para mi la unión hubiera tenido un gran potencial, pero el odio borreguil por Microsoft y su reputación de imperio del mal les salvaron de pagar de más por una empresa que no sabe en realidad lo que cuesta.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Yahoo ha dicho que no a la Propuesta de Microsoft

Yahoo ha dicho que no a la Propuesta de Microsoft

¿querran más dinero?
¿ya google les convencio?
¿Los ideales van antes que la rentabilidad?
¿qué pasara con las acciones de las tres empresas?

Friday, February 1, 2008

Microsoft ofrece 62% sobre el valor de Yahoo para comprarla.

Pues la millonaria adquisición de MySQL ya no sera la compra de la que más se hable en la red.

Microsoft ha ofrecido una cantidad enorme de dinero para hacerse de los servicios de Yahoo USD$44.6 mil millones que es 62% arriba del valor con el que cerraron ayer las acciones (31 billetes verdes por cada acción) de Yahoo (que por ahora deben estar teniendo una evolución más que interesante) y no es una adquisición que se les haya ocurrido de repente, dicen tener un plan bien delineado que permitiría a los empleados de ambas empresas trabajar en proyectos conjuntos, todos sabemos que ésta es la apuesta desesperada por competir con Google que se está convirtiendo en un gigante de todo el software online.

Microsoft obtuvo un muy buen cierre de año y me parece bien que se arriesgue y se "aviente" a pelearle todas las canicas a Google, que si esta unión no funciona terminaría de una buena vez con sus rivales, un movimiento muy, muy interesante y espero que se logre sin que las autoridades antimonopolio se entrometan, una de las mejores ofertas de Yahoo es Flickr que pasaría a ser de Microsoft

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Live Messenger 9.0 Beta

Justo ésta semana estaba platicando con una chica vía messenger (que es lo que más se usa en México, muy por delante de Yahoo Messenger) de como el programa casi no ha cambiado en los últimos años, esto vino a colación porque ella estaba haciendo su tarea y a estas alturas de hace un par de años yo todavía estaba en la universidad y solía conectarme mucho más seguido, ya no lo hago tanto y me desesperan a veces las personas que están todo el día conectados en su lugar de trabajo pero ninguna de sus conversaciones tiene que ver con el trabajo.

Hace un par de años se hablaba de que por fin tendríamos convergencia como la de cualquier multimensajero como Pidgin que nos permite entrar a varias redes al mismo tiempo entre Yahoo Messenger y Windows Messenger (que todavía no recibia el LIVE) pero esa fue una promesa que no alcanzó a cumplirse pues las dos compañías no pudieron ponerse de acuerdo, me imagino que la publicidad en ambos programas era una tajada que no supieron repartir.

A través de softpedia hoy podemos echarle el guante a la versión 9.0 de Windows Live Messenger que estaba en beta privada, pero ya sabemos como es la naturaleza de la red.

Cosas importantes de esta entrega.

  • Es la primera versión que se ejecutara en Macos.
  • Ya podremos poner una imagen .Gif como avatar con resultados menos frustrantes.
  • Personalizar el sonido que los demás escuchan cuando nos conectamos.
  • Dicen que también se podrá conectar con Gtalk

Y una señal de que Microsoft si pone atención en el genial desarrollo de Windows Plus es:
  • Poder conectarnos desde múltiples locaciones

Lo que no me gusta es que yo no me imagino usando el Messenger sin Messenger Plus y generalmente las versiones nuevas tardan mucho.