Showing posts with label toda la vida. Show all posts
Showing posts with label toda la vida. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

busy...busy little bee

uvm lomas verdes bibliotecaI don't really like the spot I'm standing right now.

I was giving my class today when the phone rang (and you know I don't like phones ringing on my classroom) it was not only embarrassing because it was loud and that brat pack is specially irreverent but the fact that it was from one of the jobs I interviewed before choosing to teach at UVM only made me remember that nothing is going according to plan and specially not according to the big plan I drew back in September 2008 when I decided to return to the Japanese company, but not even to the plan that was set in motion on august last year, I´m not attending my lessons for the master´s degree because I have to work, because I had to work last semester because although I had enough savings to survive until the scholarship arrived, at home they have this knack for making my life not easy, my savings depleted and I started working almost everyday, my grades obviously fell, the Japanese suffered and the nefarious doctor fields decided I deserved to fail the subject he poorly taught me, not only was all that time lost, I have to do that subject again and the lazy people at azcapotzalco decided to not give that subject this semester, and of course, I was the only one that wanted to take those lessons, that worries me since no one seems to give a damn and of course the subject I wanted to attend, the one that made me choose my advisor... I'm unavailable to attend, only one subject is allowed for me and that sucks, meanwhile I have this burden of menial paperwork for the high school that is only made worse because the area manager seems unable to manage his own steps and his slow piece of junk of a PC makes it even worse, I'm responsible for these kids but they lied to me when I said yes, the said something about ranks that later I found the hard way was not truth and despite all that cheapness I seem to be flooded with additional tasks for an instance, I was delighted to hear I now must deal with both my classes in really different ways, because one gets to go to the lab......and I have to start making the case for my thesis next week on Tuesday, really far from home and really late and the beast that haunts my dreams will be there with all of his sycophants ....and I'm failing every single Japanese characters test I've taken this year and I don't have time to read, I try to do so many things that I feel that nothing is done right, and I feel like a fool for I've been acting like one......this is one of those passages on life people warned me about, but I really have nowhere to go, since I don't drink, my schedule keeps me away from sports, my family has not been supportive and my friends have issues of their own.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

México: meh!

Ay México
¿Cómo un país tan bello está convertido en un lugar tan deprimente?

La historia oficial no deja de alabar la expropiación petrolera, medida que en las épocas de presidentes que decían que "Habría que aprender a administrar la riqueza", parecía no haber sido tan mala decisión, igual que la "revolución", pero, ¿qué se gano convirtiendo a PEMEX en la fuente de la riqueza nacional?

Que el mexicano defienda la "soberanía" de PEMEX como la honra de la hija, se dice, y es una cuestión enloquecedora que "el petróleo es de todos", que yo sepa si me acerco lo suficiente a un pozo petrolero, los militares que los custodian podrían volarme la cabeza, y lo peor es que de mi grandioso petróleo, que tiene que ser refinado, y mucho, con todo y sus ganancias extraordinarias, que se van en pagar bonificaciones en PEMEX y en "ingresos adicionales" que se van en pagar sueldos de la corrupta clase política, a mi, no me toca ni una gota.

Mi gasolina tiene que venir del extranjero, porque a la "gente de visión" de PEMEX, esas personas que gustan de hacer siempre lo mismo, lo mismo o incluso menos pero ganando más, jamás se les ocurrió hacer una refinería, "¿para qué?" decían, y ahora que ya piensan que es una buena idea, el elefante en el cuarto los regresa a la realidad, ya no hay petróleo para refinar (aunque luego podrían refinarle petróleo a algún país productor).

No hay dinero en México para usar su petróleo en aguas profundas y Estados Unidos y el nuevo gobierno cubano no se van a detener a pensar en los pobrecitos mexicanos, Cuba no tiene esas limitantes ideológicas de que el petróleo es para los cubanos.
México es un fracaso, tantas oportunidades y nunca diversifico sus fuentes de ingreso, lo único que le mantiene con vida es su cercanía con Estados Unidos, así que con remesas de emigrantes, narcotráfico y telenovelas ha construido una economía dependiente completamente del vecino del Norte (renegando mientras lo hace) y ahora que Estados Unidos no está creciendo (de hecho pasa lo contrario) nos las vamos a ver negras.

Bien por México, puros tratados de libre comercio a lo pendejo en los que tenemos déficit comercial.
Japón dice que somos su socio principal en América latina (y con razón), si firmamos un tratado de libre comercio que nos ha traído un déficit comercial del 75%, por cada dólar que se vende a Japón (¿aguacates y café?), se compran cuatro (¿que no se hace en Japón?).

Y encima, ahora México, está pensando en poner la pena de muerte, es un país tan corrupto como éste, eso es de dar pánico.