Sunday, February 13, 2011

'Everybody On' ....ughhh de HP

¿ven por qué temiamos que la sin chiste HP se hiciera de WEB OS?
vean este promo de toda su línea, tablets, laptops (¿ya no más? netbooks) y los overhypeados beat (igual de malos en precio/beneficioo que skullcandy)
everybody ...frag
everybody tweet
muy ñoño este comercial, no se, todo mundo quiere ser más apple que apple, pero lo intentan demasiado

everybody app...yuk, tenía que ser HP

Álex de la Iglesia en la entrega los Goya 2011

Se hablo mucho que Sinde era claramente parcial, que álex de la Iglesia se tomaba atribuciones que no le corresponden como presidente de la academia, Sanz y Bardem (sobre todo este último) hicieron unos editoriales de risa loca en la que llamaban talibanes y mediocres a...alguien, no parecen poder articular el perfil del villano que los persigue en sus sueños.

Pero ¿saben algo? ver la cara de la estúpida Sinde durante el discurso hace que uno se enfade

Hay grandes frase en el discurso de De la Iglesia, y hasta ver el careto de Bardem.
...el meollo del asunto, somos parte de un todo y no somos nadie si ese todo, una película no es película hasta que alguien se sienta delante y la ve....
Sin público, esto no tiene sentido...
Estamos en un punto de no retorno, y es el momento de actuar, no hay marcha atrás ..."

Si, esas suenan a frases hechas

"Internet no es el futuro como alguno creen, Internet es el presente"
También esa suena a frase hecha

"Internet es la salvación de nuestro cine"
Pues si, parece que Álex de la Iglesia concuerda en que mal hacen los gobiernos en proteger a las industrias que no quieren innovar.

Nokia y Matrix Revolutions

Como todos hemos podido ver en las redes sociales, los barruntos de los Fandroids se han unido a los de todos los que siguen con el viejo cassette de
"ay, soy bien ruda porque odio a Microsoft"
y hasta la gente que no sale de su Blackberry está opinando que Nokia debería haberse ido a Android, a lo mejor si, pero eso hubiera sido en el inicio, ahora la verdad es que es muy difícil, lo comenté en twitter y Elop me da la razón:
“There’s something happening there. There’s no denying that. [But] our sense was differentiation could be a pretty big challenge. The risk for commoditisation would increase dramatically.”
No me malinterpreten, me gusta (y mucho ) Android (he hablado en este espacio de el desde 2007), pero no puedo dejar de sentir que Android es como el agente Smith de Matrix Revolutions, que todos los fandroids son las múltiples copias que había hecho de si mismo, y que en este caso Nokia era Neo, en ese momento cuando ya es claro que no podrá ganar con la fuerza de sus puños y ANdroid, digo Smith dice :

Why, Mr. Anderson? Why? Why. Why do you do it? Why, why get up? Why keep fighting? Do you believe you're fighting FOR something? For more than your survival? Can you tell me what it is? Do you even know? Is it freedom,or truth, perhaps peace, could it be for love? Illusions Mr.Anderson, vaugeries of perception. Temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose, and all of them as artificial as the matrix itself...

Que remata con aquello de
although... only a HUMAN mind could invent something as insipid as LOVE. You must be able to see it, Mr. Anderson; you must know it by now: You can't win; it's pointless to keep fighting!


y ya sabemos que Neo le contesta
Because I choose to

Y eso es lo que la junta de directores de Nokia (Elop ya dijo en Barcelona en el marco del WMC que el no podría tomar esa decisión por si sólo)ha hecho, si, claro que pensaron en usar Android, pero, eso, señores, eso sería rendirse sin pelear (si, en su momento podrían haber hecho grandes terminales, pero el tren ya se fue) y bravo por Nokia, si, se aliaron con la compañía con la peor prensa (mucha injusta) del mundo, pero tampoco había un mar de opciones.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

2011 Mobile World Congress

No hay aparentemente noticia más grande que la bomba que Nokia y Microsoft lanzaron en el Nokia Capital Markets Day en Londres apenas el viernes, pero que con tanto gemido, barrunto y berrinche por parte de los fandroids y la bola de cretinos que nunca han probado windows phone7 pero ya están con sus ideas estancadas anti Microsoft que parece que fue hace una vida, pero la versión 2011 del WMC está aquí y habrá que esperar a ver que nuevas nos trae, queremos ver que tan rápido honeycomb se filtrará a los teléfonos y que pasa con estas nuevas terminales dual core.

Como lo comente antes del CES, tal vez sólo falte una etapa intermedia al día en que nuestro teclado (tal vez el mouse) y el monitor se conecten inalambricamente a nuestro teléfono y la computación sea realmente personal.

The mobile ecosystem is in the midst of an unprecedented wave of transformation. As business models adapt, new verticals and players emerge. Technology evolves, perceptions shift, and lives are improved.

At the centre of this transformation is GSMA Mobile World Congress, the must-attend annual gathering of the mobile industry. Our participants - 50,000 senior mobile leaders from 200 countries - enable, accelerate and direct this transformation, leading us into the Mobile Future.

Friday, February 11, 2011

was Stephen Elop the sleeper agent at nokia?

I really don't know. but boy, I'm sure the Microsoft haters will surely think so.
Stephen Elop was a microsoftie, then he got promoted to Nokia's CEO and now, after the flailing of symbian and the tardiness of Meego (Maemo + moblin) he joined Sthephen Ballmer to announce something that we never thought possible, Nokia will be using somebody else's operating system for it's smartphones (let's be clear, only for it's SMARTphones) for their dumbphones they'll surely will keep on using what works now.

Symbian is gone
• Nokia will adopt Windows Phone as its primary smartphone strategy, innovating on top of the platform in areas such as imaging, where Nokia is a market leader.

• Nokia will help drive and define the future of Windows Phone. Nokia will contribute its expertise on hardware design, language support, and help bring Windows Phone to a larger range of price points, market segments and geographies.

• Bing will power Nokia’s search services across Nokia devices and services, giving customers access to Bing’s next generation search capabilities. Microsoft adCenter will provide search advertising services on Nokia’s line of devices and services.

• Nokia Maps will be a core part of Microsoft’s mapping services. For example, Maps would be integrated with Microsoft’s Bing search engine and adCenter advertising platform to form a unique local search and advertising experience

Here's hoping for you guys to succeed and create and option to IOS and Android that promotes great offering form every vendor and carrier, in the end we all are to win, except for the fandroids, that biy, they just don't get that one OS is the certain way to stagnation.

"There are other mobile ecosystems. We will disrupt them. There will be challenges. We will overcome them. Success requires speed. We will be swift. Together, we see the opportunity, and we have the will, the resources and the drive to succeed."

If we are to believe the rumors the onslaught of cheaper android phones is making apple review their strategy where they didn't want to attract everyone, but only people ready to pay dearly for the Cupertino's company's flagship device the iPhone and left the previous year's version to be their entry level offering. They want ne wofferings....and yed...even fragmentation for IOS in order to attack every price range, and that's not all, if we keep on believing these rumors, they even want to make phone that can work either in CDMA networks or GSM networks (lte anyone?)

Monday, February 7, 2011


Hey, today it was not swedish TV, ended up watching the lakers beat the grizzlies at Al Jazeera and boy, this promo is awesome.

Xoom ad

You know what?
Actually the xoom ad that Motorola aired during superbowl is actually not that anti apple.
Well, ok, it is, but it never says the name or show the fruit, and if you use the white buds that come with the iPod, well, you might be a robot, those thing sound like shit.

Motorola struggles mightily and rarely comes out with great hardware, the droid was the last time we regarded Motorola's design with something tantamount to respect, so I believe we can understand why they want to pick a fight with apple, but what I don't get is how the hell they think they can get something out of calling the apple loyalist soulless drones , I already spoke about about this, people with ideals when buying hardware are few and actually not so prone to expend money on day one and only because this is the "anti iPad". so I think this ad is cool only because it reminds us of how far is apple from the company they believed they were back in 1984 when Ridley Scott directed that legendary promo (that was never aired again for copyright infrigement of Orwell's work)

The xoom is going to cost $800 (USD) so they have an uphill battle and that is only against the original iPad, if apple remains loyal to it's tradition we''l have a new ipad at the same price point in a few weeks.

Are the fandroids coming to Motorola's rescue? I don't think so, most Android noisy fans do not own top of the line terminals.