Sunday, April 16, 2006

Me latio mucho evangelion, Dios lo que me perdi durante 11 años

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Do you think you know Pen²?

Do you think you are Pen²?

Do you have a weird fetish which involves taking quizzes?

If you answered yes to any of these questions (or even if you didn't), you should take this fine quiz!!!

Can't handle CGI? Get a text version of the purity test here

Check all boxes for which your answer is "yes".

The "submit" button is at the bottom.

  1. Does your name end with an exponent?
  2. Do you have red hair?
  3. A bald head with tufts of red hair on either side?
  4. Is your favorite food fish?
  5. Is ² your favorite exponent? (If, indeed, you do have a favourite exponent, you should probably go take a nerdity purity test after this...)
  6. Your social security number?
  7. Do you think Pen² is cute?
  8. Cuter than any Pokemon character?
  9. Were you disappointed there were no penguins in the X-files movie, despite the fact that much of it took place in the Antarctic?
  10. Were you disappointed at the lack of penguins in Titanic?
  11. in Jurrassic Park?
  12. Do you get excited when anyone says the word "pen"?
  13. The french word "stylo"?
  14. How about Bic?
  15. Have you written a fanfic which included Pen²?
  16. In which he could talk?
  17. In which he was a secret agent?
  18. Have you ever written a fanfic in which Pen² was the main character?
  19. Was it serious?
  20. Have you ever written a fanfic from Pen²'s POV?
  21. Was it a bleak character study of Pen²?
  22. Have you made a music video about Pen²?
  23. Do you have friends who don't watch NGE but still know who Pen² is?
  24. Do they have pictures?
  25. Have you ever cosplayed as Pen²?
  26. Do you own a stuffed penguin?
  27. Is it named Pen²?
  28. Have you ever put in the fridge?
  29. The bathtub?
  30. Is Pen² your favorite NGE character?
  31. Do you hate everything about NGE except Pen²?
  32. Do you sincerely believe Pen² knows martial arts?
  33. Are penguins your favorite animals?
  34. Do you have any desire to visit Antarctica?
  35. Does your e-mail address include the word "penpen"?
  36. Your website?
  37. Your ICQ handle?
  38. Do you have penpen as wallpaper on your desktop?
  39. As an icon on your desktop?
  40. Do you use the Hikari window-sitter just because she's holding Pen²?
  41. Do you like Hikari because she's so nice to Pen²?
  42. Did you feel bad for Pen² when he was Fed-Exed (in the volcano episode)?
  43. Do you wonder what happened to Pen² during the 3rd impact?
  44. Have you ever written a paper on penguins?
  45. Was there a picture of Pen² on the cover?
  46. Is the extinction of penguins the main problem with Antarctica melting?
  47. Would you expect to see a penguin at a hot springs resort?
  48. Do you feel sorry for Pen²?
  49. Because he lives in captivity?
  50. Because he isn't a main character in NGE?
  51. Because he doesn't have a girlfriend?
  52. Did you just yell out "But he does!!"?
  53. Have you written a poem or fansong about Pen²?
  54. Do you know the names of the penguins at your local zoo?
  55. The names of the penguins at Seaworld?
  56. Have you seen "The Pebble and the Penguin"?
  57. Did you like it?
  58. Did you write a fanfic, starring Pen², based on it?
  59. Is your cat named Pen²?
  60. Do you have a black and white animal named Pen²?
  61. Is it a penguin?
  62. Have you drawn a picture of Pen²?
  63. On your computer?
  64. Is your hard drive space used up completly because of having so many Pen² pictures/sound files/text documents?
  65. Did you make most of them yourself?
  66. Have you made a Pen² animated gif?
  67. Would you give your pet(s) ramen and/or beer?
  68. Because you think it would make them more like Pen²?
  69. Do you make your pet(s) take baths because of this reason?
  70. Have you ever drawn a picture of Pen² wearing clothing?
  71. Can you tell Pen²'s emotions by looking at his face?
  72. Do you think Pen² should be an Eva pilot?
  73. Have you written a comic about Pen²?
  74. Have you ever been annoyed because some fic author had Pen² acting OOC?
  75. Did you flame them because of it?
  76. Did you hack into their webpage and write "Pen² Rulz!" all over it?
  77. Do you have a t-shirt with Pen² on it?
  78. Are you Pen² on any Evangelion RPGs?
  79. on all Evangelion RPGs?
  80. Have you written a Sailor Moon X-over in which Pen² is Luna?
  81. Did you know that penguins mate for life?
  82. Really, did you? Before I told you?
  83. Will you mate for life, simply because of this fact?
  84. Have you ever sculpted Pen²?
  85. Have you written a computer program involving Pen²?
  86. Have you ever thought about writing a NGE/Babe (the pig) X-over involving Pen²?
  87. Did you write it?
  88. Will you?
  89. Did you ever think about Pen²'s life before he moved to Tokyo-3?
  90. Can you draw Pen² from memory?
  91. Does it actually look like him?
  92. Can you find biblical symbolism to explain Pen²'s existance in NGE?
  93. If you hear someone say "shake a tail feather", do you think of Pen²?
  94. Can you play the "6 degrees of separation" game with Pen² and anyone?
  95. Do you know who Pen²'s voice actor is?
  96. In English and Japanese?
  97. Do you know their filmography?
  98. Have you written a Ranma fanfic including the "Pen²niichaun"?
  99. Do you have the command for "²" memorized?
  100. For more than one font?
  101. Do you know Pen²'s favorite colour?
  102. His astrological sign?
  103. Does your licence plate say "Penpen" or "Pen2" on it?
  104. Do you wish it did?
  105. Would you watch a nature special on penguins?
  106. Would you tape it?
  107. Do you think you know Pen² better than Misato does?
  108. If someone asks you who you would meet if you could meet any star, do you immediatly say "Pen², definatly, Pen²"?
  109. Do you wish you were Pen²?
  110. Do you wish this test was more serious?

Good going!

Como me ataranta "la Aguilera"

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usDesde que era una niñita flaquita con una vocesita que medio explotaba su herencia latina y hacia musica para Mulan me latia.

Cuando cambio de imagen (y de medidas) no sabía si era bueno o malo, pero dicen por ahí que lo que se ve, no se juzga.

Pero ya se nos caso X-tina,

Ya uno no puede fantasear como lo hacía antes.

Así que habra que buscarnos otro oscuro objeto del deseo.

Afortunadamente hay muchas fantasias disponibles.

Aquí dos o tres bellas memorias.

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Saturday, April 15, 2006

Cruz Azul 1-3 América | De la mano de Padilla, América resurge y vence a La Máquina

Mauricio Cabrera | MEDIOTIEMPO
Estadio Azul. Sábado 15 de abril de 2006

  • El "Gansito" entró a cambiar el juego

Las Águilas del América renacieron de las cenizas para revertir un marcador adverso y conseguir un meritorio triunfo de tres goles a uno ante la Máquina Celeste del Cruz Azul. La solución para los de Lapuente se llamó Aarón Padilla, quien con su ya característica efectividad apareció para marcar el par de anotaciones del cuadro de Coapa. El “Piojo” López sepultó las esperanzas locales.


La pelota se pintó de azul y amarillo. Mediante un esquema simple y que privilegió el tránsito ágil del balón, América tuvo mayor posesión del esférico durante los minutos iniciales e inquietó con algunos lanzamientos a profundidad, mismos que fueron constantemente interrumpidos por el silbatazo que dictaba una posición adelantada.

Las Águilas querían aletear desde que se escuchó el silbatazo de inicio. Aún no discurría el minuto de acción cuando un disparo lejano de Francisco Torres exigió al cancerbero cruzazulino, quien tuvo que emplearse a fondo para manotear la de gajos y evitar que su meta fuera vulnerada. En dicha jugada se apreció cual de los dos equipos tomaría la batuta de la confrontación. Fue un tiro como cualquiera, pero marcó una tendencia que se extendió buena parte de la primera mitad.

Cruz Azul parecía dormido, tardó en apretar el acelerador. Sin embargo, cuando lo hizo, produjo resultados preocupantes para la zaga azulcrema. Las manecillas del reloj rebasaban la media hora de tiempo corrido cuando el ferrocarril celeste amenazó con embestir a los atrevidos visitantes de Coapa. En primera instancia, el “Chelito” se apoderó de la punta izquierda del área americanista para adentrarse y sacar tremendo balazo que rechazó Navarrete; enseguida, en el rebote, Delgado recupera la redonda y manda diagonal retrasada para Pereyra, éste dispara creyendo que el gol está hecho, así parecía, mas una sensacional reacción del golero emplumado impidió lo aparentemente inevitable. De Ochoa ni quien se acordara, fenomenal el vigía de la puerta millonaria.

Pereyra se quedó picado, con una espinita clavada en el orgullo. Y no sólo quería marcar, además buscaba hacerlo en grande… Caminó con el esférico en la medialuna, quebró sin mayores dificultades a Duilio Davino y cuchareó el esférico para dejar impávido a Navarrete. Ya todos gritaban el gol, hasta los americanistas aplaudían en silencio, pero surgió un pequeño inconveniente: el travesaño exigió protagonismo y apareció como ayuda divina para mantener el cero en el marcador.

La Máquina ya no podía más, estaba dispuesta a pitar. América, entretanto, lucía mareado con tantos ataques sobre su puerta. Y llegó la hora, el momento de romper el hielo… César Delgado, una vez más, hizo lo que quiso en el carril izquierdo y mandó centro para Miguel Sabah; el delantero cruzazulino se tendió de espaldas a la puerta emplumada y remató con la testa para marcar un gol de antología, de esos que permanecen en la memoria, tanto del que lo hace como del que lo sufre.

El equipo de Manuel Lapuente buscó reaccionar. El tiempo no alcanzó. Los veintidós guerreros se fueron a los vestidores. Once con cara de satisfacción en el rostro; el resto, con una preocupación que llegaba hasta los huesos.


A Cruz Azul le hizo daño sentirse ganador. Fiel a su costumbre, el equipo cementero exageró en su afán de proteger la ventaja obtenida en el primer tiempo y permitió que el enemigo fuera arrinconándolo gradualmente. No era un dominio claro del visitante sobre el local; el partido parecía viajar en el sendero deseado por los de Mizrahi. Todo iba bien para los de casa.

Pero Lapuente y los suyos encontraron a su eterno talismán en el banquillo, le pidieron que ingresara y no marcó una, sino dos anotaciones que le dieron la vuelta a la tortilla El humilde “Gansito” estuvo ahí, a centímetros de la meta de Oscar Pérez para concretar el primer y segundo tantos. El gol de la vuelta a los cartones fue un auténtico insulto para el cuerpo técnico azul: sus zagueros se quedaron parados, como admirando el vuelo de un balón que llegó tierno y listo para ser devorado por el contundente remate de Padilla.

El duelo agonizó sin que Cruz Azul tuviera poder de reacción. El triunfo americanista ya se anticipaba; no obstante, Claudio López dejó las cosas en claro y definió con disparo cruzado para anotar el tres a uno definitivo. América voló sin grandes demostraciones, pero sí con un alto grado de contundencia sobre el arco enemigo.


1-0 Centro de César Delgado desde la punta izquierda; Miguel Sabah se tiende de espaldas a la puerta americanista y remata con la testa para dejar sin oportunidades a Navarrete. (39´)

1-1 El “Chaco” se escapa por el carril derecho y mete centro caliente que remata a placer Aarón Padilla. (61´)

1-2 Tiro de esquina por la orilla izquierda. Cuauhtémoc Blanco ejecuta centro medido, la zaga cementera se duerme y Padilla llega para concluir sin mayor dificultad. (70´)

1-3 Giménez toca para Claudio López; el “Piojo” mata el esférico y saca disparo que acaba guardándose en el cajón celeste. (89´)


Correcto de Marco Antonio Rodríguez. Cauto en las tarjetas y sin meterse en mayores complicaciones.

Do "Hardcore Gamers" Still Matter?

Con esto de que ahora las compañias estan dedicadas a atraer al "casual gamer" (si te compras una consola creo que dejas de serlo,en la mayoría de los casos, pero en fin) que pasa con el otro extremo, el freak (en la mejor de la intenciones) apasionado que se sabe todos los finales posibles de esos juegos que tienen como único reclamo ese hecho, que odia a los piratas (también en la mayoría de los casos, el gamer tercermundista es de moral un poco menos estricta) y que no se ha lavado la mano desde que Miyamoto se la estrechó.

¿Qué hay de ellos?

¿Ya no importan?, ¿Estan en peligro de extinción?

Este articulo en Gamespy intenta vertir un poco de luz sobre la opinion de los creativos al respecto.

If you're not a hardcore gamer yourself, chances are that you know one. He (or she) is the one who knows the exact day the next Miyamoto game is due out. He proudly wears t-shirts that say "Pwnd" or "Mushroom power." He may eagerly pay a small fortune importing obscure games from Japan and enjoy quoting Will Wright the way one would Confucius.

But how does the industry itself define this fiercely dedicated audience? How do game developers, marketing executives, and the media view them? How much of an effect does this group have over the game industry as a whole, and how much attention does the industry actually give them?

To get our answers, we turned to a diverse collection of game industry insiders for an in-depth Q-and-A session. Here's what they had to say.

The High-Level Executive

Let's start off at the very top. For the upper-level hardware and software executive point of view, we have Tina Kowalewski, Vice President of Development at 7 Studios, the company behind the recent Fantastic Four game. She helped launch both the PlayStation and the PlayStation 2 at Sony and has more than fifteen years of industry experience working for companies such as Interplay and Sammy.

GameSpy: First off, what is your definition of a hardcore gamer?
Tina Kowalewski: Hardcore, in terms of a gamer, is typically male between the ages of 14-34 who spends most of his leisure time playing video games over any other form of entertainment or activity. Much of their expendable income is dedicated to buying the latest, greatest games and gaming technology; whether it's the newest gaming console or upgrading their PC.
GameSpy: How important is this hardcore gamer group to developers?
Kowalewski: Hardcore gamers are very important to developers and publishers because they are the "influencers" when it comes to driving buzz and sales for a game. Hardcore gamers may play up to 100 games per year, but they only make up about 1/5 to 1/4 of game purchasers, but their influence over the rest of the game sales is enormous, potentially turning a moderate hit into a monster.
GameSpy: How much attention do you think developers give or should give to hardcore gamers?
Kowalewski: Developers must consider the influence of the hardcore gamers when making any game unless it's targeted at a different audience such as young kids. Hardcore gamers are the hardest to please, and they are very opinionated, passionate and vocal -- this is a good thing if your game is great, but they will definitely let everyone know if your game is not.
GameSpy:How much influence do hardcore gamers have over the direction of the game industry?
Kowalewski: Since these are a very vocal number, quite a bit. They often help shape trends early that later trickle down to the "casual" gamers market -- music games, for example, started gaining speed as specialized and difficult arcade titles (Beatmania) before hitting the mainstream (Dance Dance Revolution, Guitar Hero). First-Person Shooters could have been seen as hardcore games before titles such as Halo made them everyday fare, and Role-Playing Games were a niche market in America before vocal "hardcore" gamers helped make Final Fantasy a household name.
GameSpy: Can hardcore gamers ever be harmful to development?
Kowalewski: Sometimes, yes. It's a fine line to develop games that "anyone" could enjoy, and if you pay too much attention to pleasing the most vocal of your audience (the "hardcore" gamers), you run the risk of making the game unappealing to the market you're really going after (the "casual" gamers) by making it too difficult or specialized.
GameSpy: In the future, what do you think will happen to the hardcore demographic?
Kowalewski: In my opinion, it'll definitely continue to grow. And so will the casual gamer demo... Having more casual games will not negatively affect the number of hardcore gamers.
It's easy to assume that the upper-level executive is only concerned with the bottom line, but we should remember that these guys aren't born in a vacuum. Most of them have paid their dues and climbed up from the bottom, just like everyone else. The good ones remember their roots and believe in the value of what a dedicated hardcore audience has to offer, and it shows in this interview.

Friday, April 14, 2006

¿Y tú a quién llamarías?

Visitaba este blog deportivo que tanto me agrada y me tope con estos promos de Adidas, donde José y otros 10 se dan gusto en la cascara.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

STAFF MEMBERS at Ubisoft have been telling forum sites that they are no longer using the controversial maker of DRM products Starforce.

Ubisoft dumps Starforce DRM - claim

Forum leaks

By Nick Farrell: Thursday 13 April 2006, 15:02

STAFF MEMBERS at Ubisoft have been telling forum sites that they are no longer using the controversial maker of DRM products Starforce.

They say that maker of Heroes of Might & Magic has dropped Starforce DRM from its forthcoming release, number five, and will not be using it in the future.

That is not to say that the firm is dumping DRM, just that Starforce is no longer in the running.

The rider on this news is that nothing official has come from Ubisoft yet and the announcement has only been made by people identified as staffers on the various Heroes of Might & Magic forums.

More here. µ

Garfield lo ha dicho todo

Puto peje

Ser priista no es malo.
Ser un pinche frustrado que en el PRI no pudo hacer nada bien y tuvo que huir al refugio de todos los priistas frustrados

Eso, eso si es de dar pena.