Wednesday, February 22, 2006

From engadget

Viliv P1 PMP coming to US

If you had told us last year that the Viliv P1 PMP would soon be available in the US, we would have laughed in your face (well, OK, maybe we would have been polite and chuckled into our hands). After all, not only does the device have a suspiciously familiar controller, but it's also from Yukyung Technologies, a company with zero US presence. But this is one case where we're happy to be proven wrong, since the player will apparently make its North American debut on March 1 via a dedicated e-store. Specs include a 30GB drive, DivX and Xvid support, 4-inch display, FM radio and CF slot. And, yes, it does still have that round, white controller, but we're willing to overlook that (though we don't know if you-know-who will do the same).

Sunday, February 19, 2006

from the encouraging-better-customers dept.
d writes "Gamespot has an article about an association of prostitutes protesting the GTA games. Apparently, the sex workers of the Sex Workers Outreach Project aren't too happy about their ingame counterparts being treated violently in the GTA games. They note that the games are a bad influence on children, and might encourage rape and violent behavior towards prostitutes in real life."
Role Playing (Games)Games

Saturday, February 4, 2006


No vi el partido del América el jueves (por que ya sospechaba lo peor) y porque tenia ganas de ir al cine, así que me lanze a ver Munich.

La verdad siempre me ha parecido que el estado de israel no debería existir, que es una provocación terrible para los musulmanes (que por cierto ahorita andan enardecidos por lo de las caricaturas de Mahoma) y que Estados Unidos ha cometido una gran pendejada, con su visión a futuro, un futuro en el que los campos de petroleo seran suyos.

Bueno, el asunto es que en 1972 Israel ya tenia sus añitos y sus pleitos con los arabes, y ya se hablaba de alcanzar la paz en el "medio oriente" , como lo ocurrio durante el gobierno de Clinton.
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Yo era muy joven en aquellos ayeres (como 13 años) y con musica de Michael Jackson de fondo en verdad crei que estabamos conjurando el peligro de una guerra que venga del islam, me aterran porque son muchos, son irreflexivos y bastante sensibles.

Bueno, volviendo al asunto de Israel, uno de estos golpes publicitarios que suelen dar las naciones para "Demostrar que son fuertes" fue tomar venganza por el asesinato de la representación del estado de Israel en los olimpiada de Munich.
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El asunto si fue una tragedia, mucha gente piensa que fue una de la estratagemas de los judios para ponerse como las victimas de la cuestión y que los arabes son unos desalmados.

Bueno como haya sido, los judios enviaron a la unidad asesina del Mossad (¿que no el mossad es de por si al igual que el MI6, la KGB, la CIA y demás agencias de inteligencia una bola de asesinos?) llamada Kidon (bayoneta) a matar a las 11 "mentes maestras" que planearon Munich en la manera más violenta y llamativa que fuera posible.

Volviendo a la pelicula, es de verdad escorazonador saber que tantos secretos se intercambian entre los servicios de inteligenica y algun player independiente, así como que en todo el mundo andan sueltos sujetos dispuestos a desaparecer a los enemigos.

Algo que me agrado de la pelicula es que no ponen a los objetivos como villanos de pelicual antigua, ya saben, malos malos, sino que son personas con las que hasta se pueden encontrar empatia en sus breves minutos en camara.

El final se me hace medio vulgar, sexo con flashbacks de "el rescate" fallido.

El final tiene lugar en Manhattan, bueno, no, de hecho no es Manhattan, es del otro lado del rio, pero se ve la isla, a mediados de los 70, y claro, ahi estaban las flamantes Twin towers (de las que se especula que fueron destruidas por Bush, así que existe cierta concordancia), me gusta tambien que no hace ver a los judios como blancas palomitas obligadas a actuar en contra de su voluntad, si sabemos que son unos inches asesinos que no tiene reparos.
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Lo que no me gusta es que Spielberg siente que ya hizo oir su voz:

Nueva York . Steven Spielberg opina que los cineastas tienen que volverse más provocadores en Estados Unidos ante la situación política, según publica la revista Newsweek de este lunes. Al menos desde la relección del presidente George W. Bush ha llegado el momento de tomar posición, asegura. "Pienso que cada uno intenta manifestar su independencia y dejar claro en que cree. Nadie nos representa, así que nosotros representemos nuestros sentimientos e intentemos devolver los golpes", afirma el director de Munich.

Si no mal recuerdo este canijo apoyaba las invasiones de Bush, creyente d las guerras preventivas, pues si, debería irse a vivir a Israel.

Sólo puedo repetir lo que en alguna ocasión dijo el gato culto
"Cuando abundan los dioses abundan las guerras"

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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Gaitán no quiere ser mexicano

'Gracias a Dios detuve el trámite de naturalización': Gaitán.
tPues se quedaran con las ganas de que "el mago" defienda los colores verdes (la verdad estaría mal, él es argentino y prostituirse para jugar un mundial, no va.

Que mal por LaVolpe, que quiera Argentinizar a nuestra selección.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Google and Privacy

SearchTHIS: Google and Privacy
January 25, 2006

Our search editor talks about why Google's latest battle has everybody worried.

There is a giant rock screaming toward earth and we have only eight days to stop it. It's what the movie "Armageddon" called a global killer. Who will help us? Just like in the movie, the federal government has broken into the patent office to steal the plans for the world's biggest and best drill. We'll fly up to the asteroid, drill a hole in it and blow that sucker sky high from the inside out.

Phew! Another crisis averted.

Of course, the government's smartest scientists couldn't get the drill right, so the guy who made it had to fly to the asteroid and do it himself. Patents might not apply to outer space, but what about cyberspace? In times of crisis can the government just break in and take what they want? Who determines the level of desperation needed for an all access pass?

Just when you thought your most private of thoughts were safe, the Justice Department has issued subpoena's to Microsoft, AOL, Yahoo! and Google to support yet another serious crisis.

Facts du jour

It's all about the porn, really. 1998's Child Online Protection Act (COPA) had an admirable goal: keep porn out of the hands of children. Yet for a whole lot of good reasons, several courts have knocked the statute down since then. The most recent effort was Ashcroft vs. American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in June, 2004. The Supreme Court upheld the block on enforcing COPA since it was likely to be unconstitutional. It is also worth noting that many other local and state laws have been passed to help protect children.

The ACLU is once again contending that COPA is in violation of the first amendment, while the Justice Department is once again seeking the ability to enforce COPA and has asked (read: ordered) some assistance from search providers in building a cogent argument. They hope to prove that parental controls and filters are not nearly enough protection for our kids, and they expect to support the argument with search data.

To date, of the search sites subpoenaed to provide information, Google is the only one that has refused. None of the other providers have publicly disavowed the request; Yahoo!, AOL and MSN have issued statements that they have provided at least some of the information requested and have taken steps to guard user privacy.

Protecting children from pornography is a noble effort, and the connected digital world has made tremendous strides in the battle, but should we sacrifice the constitution to get there? Moreover, should a search provider be compelled to offer information that might compromise a competitive advantage?

Wait, it gets better.

All the searches

Asking for the data is one thing; using it to determine the effectiveness of accidental porn viewing is another. Government lawyers have asked search providers for all the data relating to search terms and the sites users visited in the time period between June 1, 2005 and July 31, 2005.

There has yet to be a request for users' Internet Protocol or IP addresses that would identify users individually. Published court documents have indicated that a variety of search information has been requested. From complete indexed site lists to search terms and websites-- all with the intent of proving that web filters don't do the job and the strictest of controls must be implemented.

Historically, the fallout from negative publicity in the realm of consumer privacy online is nothing short of panic. We have new spyware/adware and cookie removal tools in the pipeline, and every week there's more news about compromised data. In an effort to have search sites do the heavy lifting in this suit, attorneys are merely fueling privacy paranoia.

And the ad dollars you rode in on

Privacy concerns are top of mind for internet users, and this translates immediately into a search provider's ability to generate revenue with targeted advertising.

Case in point: Upon receiving my shiny new computer this week, I had to download DivX player and Java Runtime environments. Both really wanted me to add either the Google Desktop or Toolbar, one of which came preinstalled in my machine.

Search behavior -- such as the terms used and the sites visited along with personally identifiable information kept in confidence -- will help define the future of search and search related advertising. The more we know about how users find what they need based on who they are, the better search will become.

Consumer confidence in how closely this information is guarded will determine how quickly we achieve search utopia.

When consumers hear that millions of records have been handed over, the details won't matter. The Justice Department isn't exactly being forthcoming about what they intend to with this data. A quick and quiet response to the subpoena with partial information may have been the best way to try and put it to bed, but that hope has been shattered by Google's defiance.

Have drill, will travel

It would take an asteroid the size of Texas to wake everyone up. Tell me you are using the online data to help hunt down terrorists and protect our homes. Tell me you want to show that malware and other intrusive forms of online terrorism are worth a series of federally funded programs to help stamp them out. Tell me the U.S. government is behind efforts to expand the global communication network and help bring the world's people together so we can concentrate on not killing one another.

Tell me anything but that you are trying to support an anti-porn law.

Google's mission in protecting its intellectual property and the rights of its users no doubt coincides with protecting growth plans. Those plans rely upon increased customization and a better user experience that, moving forward, will require more data collection and analysis. The ultimate yield of these efforts will be a better advertiser experience. This is the experience we all want, but will be terrified to provide if a precedent is established that we have no rights to privacy.

Good luck Google. Tell 'em I said to stuff that subpoena up their T1.

iMedia Search Editor Kevin Ryan's current and former client roster reads like a "who's who" in big brands; Rolex Watch, USA, State Farm Insurance, Farmers Insurance, Minolta Corporation, Samsung Electronics America, Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Panasonic Services and the Hilton Hotels brands, to name a few. Ryan believes in sound guidance, creative thought, accountable actions and collaborative execution as applied to search, or any form of marketing. His principled approach and staunch commitment to the industry have made him one of the most sought after personalities in online marketing. Ryan volunteers his time with the Interactive Advertising Bureau, Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization and several regional non-profit organizations.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Zepeda, se saca la lotería

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usEl colmo de un americanista, que le traigan una promesa que nunca se cumplio, y encimade que modo