Monday, February 3, 2014

Ellen DeGeneres Super Bowl Commercial for Beats Music

(2014) Scary Funny

Goldilocks principle

For our 2014 Super Bowl Collection: This is the Beast Music Super Bowl Commercial featuring comedienne Ellen DeGeneres - "The Right Music". It's kind of off-beat and funny - featuring Ellen as Little Red Riding Hood being stalked by wolves, who want to dance to cool music. This is the roll out of Beats Music from ATT, which is a competitor of Pandora or I Heart Radio, and many are wondering how it will catch on.

Maserati Super Bowl Commercial 2014

We have prepared
Now we strike

Le debe mucho al cine este anuncio, en el tono nos recuerda a MAn of Steel, en la ejecución a Beasts of the Southern Wild , y claro, a Britney

Juanito Bandito - The Evolution of the Quarterback

Tim Tebow shows you what you can do with #nocontract |T-Mobile Commercial

Hay que concederle a Tim, que se las ingenia para seguir haciendo ruido.

¿Podrá Mark Sanchez hacer lo mismo?

Wonderful Pistachios #getcrackinAmerica #genius

¿Quién no ama a Colbert?

Digo, uno de los más nefastos twitstars mexicanos hace una copia de su programa y el daily show desde el norte

#NoRoomForBoring - Toyota

One boring man, in a world full of boring choices, makes a stop that will change his life forever. In the all-new Toyota Highlander, the Big Game will be anything but boring. #NoRoomForBoring

Room for a whole flock of chickens, Terry Crews, a grand piano and the Muppets, but no room for boring. Sing along and see the all-new Toyota Highlander in the roomiest Big Game Ad of all time!

Doberhuahua!! - Audi 2014 Big Game Commercial

"A Hero's Welcome" - Budweiser Commercial

Conozco tanta gente que tendría problemas con este comercial, y casi el 100% de esa gente vive "despachando" desde su tabique, pero se rehusa a tener una conversación seria

Budweiser Super Bowl XLVIII Commercial