Saturday, May 6, 2006

El EZLN ha demostrado que se ha desvirtuado

Es una pena.

El EZLN ha demostrado ser otro grupo envuelto en ideales altísimos, al igual que el partido verde es una burla.

En 1994 le termino su proyecto de nación a Salinas y sólo dios sabe porque enamoro a tanto "socialista revolucionario" del extranjero.

Los comunistas mexicanos (los rabanitos)

El EZLN se ha vuelto una porra del subcomediante Marcos.

Ojala el gobierno que suceda al tibio de FOX tenga mano dura y no deje pasar cosas como la del aeropuerto, a partir de ahí se envalentonaron los macheteros y la violencia ya sabemos que apendeja y es adictiva.

¿El ezln contra que pelea?
¿el capitalismo mundial?
¿La libertad de catedra?

No, puras mamadas, sólo chavitos (que por la edad se les perdona) y gente pendeja sigue creyendo que esta basura reepresente a alguien.

En nuestro México kafkiano, yo no dudaría ni por un instante que sea un titere del gobierno y no quiere dejar de percibir su bequita.

Solo el interes que ha despertado en el extranjero ha impedido que el gobierno cierre la secretaría de Zapatismo.

¿Qué tiene AMlO que lo hace tan poular?

Ya sabemos porque AMLO esta en las preferencias
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Bluetooth Headset in World Cup Team Colors


It won’t be long until the World Cup is finally here, and now you can wear iTech’s World Cup edition of its Bluetooth Clip headset supporting your favorite team—that is, as long as your favorite team is either England, Germany, Holland, Brazil or Italy. The Clip headset has adjustable volume and mute, and gives you 10 hours of talk time and 200 hours of standby time.

MUST read

15 maneras de vivir más

Bill gates no disfruta de ser el más rico del mundo (con razon lo dona tanto, anque aún así tiene una cantidad ridicula de dinero)

Bill Gates: I don't want to be world's richest man

· Microsoft founder reveals distaste for $50bn fortune
· Tycoon denies ambition to run for elected office

Oliver Burkeman in New York
Friday May 5, 2006
The Guardian

In news that will either gladden or enrage non-billionaires everywhere, Bill Gates has revealed that he would rather not be the world's richest man.

La hippie más bella

No se ustedes, pero las chicas que se "disfrazan" como las "darkettas", las "chairas", las hippiosas y demás me llaman la atención, aunque siempre les encuentro un pero (así les evito a ellas tener que encontrarme uno a mi), A esta Hippie no le veo el más minimo.

Se ve interesante

Ahora que por fin me decidi a experimentar un poco con el hardware con el que trabajo cotidianamente, al ver esta maravilla casi me brotan lagrimas, casi porque en primer lugar para conseguir cosas así en México esta muy caro y después esperemos que este bien implementado.


The Combimouse

We were about to write this off as a harmless gimmick, and a great gift to slow down a couple FPS rivals of ours, but after staring mesmerized at the sheer craziness of it all, we're starting to think these Combimouse peeps are on to something. Their concept is quite simple: reduce the repetitive and arduous task of moving your hand from keyboard to mouse and back again a few thousand times a day. They accomplish that by splitting the keyboard and making the right half into a full fledged mouse. Your merely switch up your grip and the mouse function automatically springs into action. You might look a bit dorky in the act, and it surely won't work for everybody, but it seems to us that a spreadsheet pusher could quickly get used to the setup and learn to rock it. The creators of the Combimouse have recently completed their final prototype and are on the lookout for a manufacturer. We'll keep you posted.

Tags: combimouse, keyboard, mouse

Thursday, May 4, 2006

La trilogia Original por fin en DVD (ahora que el formato va de salida, no se si sea tan buena noticia)

Lo va a hacer, no se si las firmas que se recolectaron hayan tenido algun efecto en su desición o sólo es el hecho de seguir ordeñando a la franquicia.
This September: Original Unaltered Trilogy on DVD
May 03, 2006

[ doc_title ] Fans can look forward to a September filled with classic Star Wars nostalgia, led by the premiere of LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy video game and the long-awaited DVD release of the original theatrical incarnations of the classic Star Wars trilogy.

In response to overwhelming demand, Lucasfilm Ltd. and Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment will release attractively priced individual two-disc releases of Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Each release includes the 2004 digitally remastered version of the movie and, as bonus material, the theatrical edition of the film. That means you'll be able to enjoy Star Wars as it first appeared in 1977, Empire in 1980, and Jedi in 1983.

[ doc_title ] This release will only be available for a limited time: from September 12th to December 31st. International release will follow on or about the same day. Each original theatrical version will feature Dolby 2.0 Surround sound, close-captioning, and subtitles in English, French and Spanish for their U.S. release. International sound and subtitling vary by territory.

"Over the years, a truly countless number of fans have told us that they would love to see and own the original version that they remember experiencing in theaters," said Jim Ward, President of LucasArts and Senior Vice President of Lucasfilm Ltd. "We returned to the Lucasfilm Archives to search exhaustively for source material that could be presented on DVD. This is something that we're very excited to be able to give to fans in response to their continuing enthusiasm for Star Wars. Topping it off with a new interactive adventure makes September 12 a red-letter day for Star Wars fans."

That's also the day fans will be able to experience the LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy video game, the action-packed sequel -- filled with tongue-in-cheek humor -- to one of the best selling video games of 2005. To see the trailer to the new game from LucasArts and TT Games, click here!

Click here to order your copy today.

EL sub comandante Marcos es de dar asco

Marcos (o el delegado cero) es un oportunista con un mensaje gastado y nada que hacer.

Pero se resiste a pasar al olvido, me da asco Marcos, es igual que SODI: UN OPORTUNISTA

Y ahora el EZLN me parece una agrupación muy semjante a los porros del cetis 33 (puro pendejo)