Thursday, May 4, 2006

La trilogia Original por fin en DVD (ahora que el formato va de salida, no se si sea tan buena noticia)

Lo va a hacer, no se si las firmas que se recolectaron hayan tenido algun efecto en su desición o sólo es el hecho de seguir ordeñando a la franquicia.
This September: Original Unaltered Trilogy on DVD
May 03, 2006

[ doc_title ] Fans can look forward to a September filled with classic Star Wars nostalgia, led by the premiere of LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy video game and the long-awaited DVD release of the original theatrical incarnations of the classic Star Wars trilogy.

In response to overwhelming demand, Lucasfilm Ltd. and Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment will release attractively priced individual two-disc releases of Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Each release includes the 2004 digitally remastered version of the movie and, as bonus material, the theatrical edition of the film. That means you'll be able to enjoy Star Wars as it first appeared in 1977, Empire in 1980, and Jedi in 1983.

[ doc_title ] This release will only be available for a limited time: from September 12th to December 31st. International release will follow on or about the same day. Each original theatrical version will feature Dolby 2.0 Surround sound, close-captioning, and subtitles in English, French and Spanish for their U.S. release. International sound and subtitling vary by territory.

"Over the years, a truly countless number of fans have told us that they would love to see and own the original version that they remember experiencing in theaters," said Jim Ward, President of LucasArts and Senior Vice President of Lucasfilm Ltd. "We returned to the Lucasfilm Archives to search exhaustively for source material that could be presented on DVD. This is something that we're very excited to be able to give to fans in response to their continuing enthusiasm for Star Wars. Topping it off with a new interactive adventure makes September 12 a red-letter day for Star Wars fans."

That's also the day fans will be able to experience the LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy video game, the action-packed sequel -- filled with tongue-in-cheek humor -- to one of the best selling video games of 2005. To see the trailer to the new game from LucasArts and TT Games, click here!

Click here to order your copy today.

EL sub comandante Marcos es de dar asco

Marcos (o el delegado cero) es un oportunista con un mensaje gastado y nada que hacer.

Pero se resiste a pasar al olvido, me da asco Marcos, es igual que SODI: UN OPORTUNISTA

Y ahora el EZLN me parece una agrupación muy semjante a los porros del cetis 33 (puro pendejo)


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MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico's president will approve a law that decriminalizes possession of small amounts of marijuana, cocaine and other drugs to concentrate on fighting violent narco gangs, the government said on Tuesday.

President Vicente Fox will not oppose the bill, passed by senators last week, presidential spokesman Ruben Aguilar told reporters, despite likely tensions with the United States.

"The president is going to sign that law, there would be no objection," he said. "It appears to be a good law and an advance in combating narcotics trafficking."

The approval of the legislation, passed earlier by the lower house of Congress, surprised Washington, which counts on Mexico's support in its war against gangs that move massive quantities of cocaine, heroin, marijuana and methamphetamines through Mexico to U.S. consumers.

Under the law, police will not penalize people for possessing up to 5 grams of marijuana, 5 grams of opium, 25 milligrams of heroin. Nor does the law penalize possession of 500 milligrams of cocaine -- enough for a few lines.

The legal changes will also decriminalize the possession of limited quantities of LSD, hallucinogenic mushrooms, amphetamines, ecstasy and peyote -- a psychotropic cactus found in Mexico's northern deserts.

Hundreds of people, including many police officers, have been killed in Mexico in the past year as drug cartels battle for control of lucrative smuggling routes into the United States.

The violence has raged mostly in northern Mexico but in recent months has spread south to cities such as vacation resort Acapulco.

While likely to complicate relations with the U.S. government, the legislation has drawn relatively little attention from the media in Mexico, where drug use is less common than in the United States.

Aguilar did not say when Fox would sign the bill.

Under current law, it is up to local judges and police to decide on a case-by-case basis whether people should be prosecuted for possessing small quantities of drugs.

Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Cannibal 'must never be released'

Cannibal 'must never be released'
Armin Meiwes
Meiwes has always said his victim "wanted to be eaten"
Self-confessed cannibal Armin Meiwes should be jailed for life, a German prosecutor has said at his retrial.

Meiwes was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to eight years in 2004 after admitting killing and eating a Berlin engineer he met on the internet.

But a federal judge ruled the verdict was too lenient, prompting a retrial.

Meiwes insists his victim wanted to be eaten and died "a beautiful death", but prosecutors said Meiwes had a "fetish for human flesh" and could re-offend.

Prosecutor Markus Koehler told the court in Frankfurt that Meiwes should be barred from parole after 15 years, as is usual for those serving life sentences in Germany.

This was not murder. His goal was to be eaten and that meant being killed
Joachim Bremer
Defence lawyer

Known as the "Rotenburg cannibal", Meiwes placed an advert on the internet before meeting his victim, 43-year-old Bernd Juergen Brandes.

The pair met at Meiwes's home in Rotenburg in March 2001, where they had sex before Meiwes cut off Brandes's penis, which the men then cooked and attempted to eat.

Meiwes later stabbed and killed Brandes, before cutting him to pieces and freezing parts of his body, some of which he later ate.


His defence lawyers argue that Brandes willingly agreed to Meiwes's plans, saying the original advert clearly stated that he was looking for a volunteer to be "slaughtered and eaten".

"This was not murder. His [Brandes's] goal was to be eaten and that meant being killed," defence lawyer Joachim Bremer told the court.

However, Mr Koehler insisted that Meiwes killed Brandes "like a piece of livestock" and was obsessed with power and dominance.

Meiwes has admitted that he still fantasises about killing when he sees pictures of attractive young people, a fact prosecutors used to stress that he remains likely to kill again.

Psychiatric assessments of Meiwes during his time in prison have suggested his behaviour cannot be controlled by therapy, prosecutor Annette von Schmiedeberg told the court.

"I find this extremely worrying," she said.

A verdict is expected later this month.


La mamada esa del "delegado cero " se anticipo a la escoria que compite por la presidencia y ya esta aprovechandose de lo ocurrido hoy por la mañana con los ejidatarios de San salvador Atenco

¡Por dios!

Tan gastada esta su cantaleta del priismo y los indigenas que ahora ya necesita colgarse de cualquier oportunidad.

Hace falta mano dura.

Hace algunos meses, la magna obra de FOX: el segundo aeropuerto para la ciudad de México se vino abajo porque cedieron ante unos machetudos.

Este gobierno se vio pusilanime y debil, lo que se necesita para estar en el gobierno es mano dura, de nuevo se vieron obligados a deshacer una de sus estupidas decisiones cuando lo del desafuero de Andres Manuel López Hocicón, la verdad, ustedes saben que a mi el tipo me da asco, pero si ya saben que el animal gusta de hacerse la vista y encima se lo permiten dandole más razones para llevar incautos a sus filas.

En fin, que este gobierno es debil, endeble, no es una autoridad, es corrupto, incapaz (tan incapaz como lo es el pendejo de Santiago Creel) y sólo atiende las variables macroeconomicas.

Hoy hubo otra exhibición de impunidad, de falta de mano dura, de paternalismo que no tardan en aprovechar las escorias que estan "compitiendo por la presidencia" de policias que se vuelven animales con un tolete, de pobladores que enloquecen y se idiotizan en la cobardia de la impunidad, de que en el anonimato se arman de valor, de que como masas se vuelven unos cobardes asesinos.

Mientras que nuestras clase politica se dedica a posar en revistas, a ser boxeador, a pedir su millon de dolares, a recibir citatorios del SAT.

Es una pena que las cosas lleguen a esto.

La gente vuelta un animal defendiendo los regalos que les dieron anteriores candidatos a algun cargo y policias que son instrumentos de cerdos burgueses.

Windows Vista to be delayed yet again?

Eso, que según informa CNNMoney, parece ser que Gartner, ese viejo oráculo del sector tecnológico que vive en lo alto de una montaña con su bola de cristal (una bola de cristal muy pequeñita, por eso sólo es capaz de ver acrónimos en ella) ha dicho que Microsoft no será capaz de cumplir sus plazos y que, finalmente, la salida de Windows Vista se retrasará hasta Abril-Junio de 2007. La razón, por lo visto, es el cálculo llevado a cabo por Gartner de la complejidad de la tarea que la empresa tiene que llevar a cabo: la fase que va entre la segunda test release y el comienzo de la producción llevó cinco meses en Windows XP, pero dada la magnitud del cambio tecnológico que supone Vista, estaría mucho más cerca del caso de Windows 2000, en el que dicha fase consumió un total de dieciseis meses. Y una vez iniciada la fase de producción, aún hay que añadir las seis a ocho semanas que lleva a los fabricantes de equipos instalar el nuevo sistema operativo en las máquinas que ponen a la venta.
Given Microsoft's recent woes -- the company seems to be under attack by everyone from Wall Street analysts to Google -- the last thing the company needs is a rumor that Windows Vista won't be available by its recently revised January launch date. But that's what Redmond is getting hit with today, in the form of a research note from Gartner, which predicts a delay until at least June for the consumer version of the program. According to Gartner, the new OS is "too complex" to be ready by January. Microsoft has responded by saying that Vista is on target to make the launch. Gartner also says that a delay until the spring is "nowhere as bad" as the slip from fall to January, which will result in a Vista-free holiday season. Somehow, we suspect that beleaguered PC makers hoping for a sales bump from Vista upgrades might have a little trouble taking solace from that argument.

Tuesday, May 2, 2006

BLogs que he visitado esta semana y me han latido.

La mayoría de los perredistas son seres que tienen alguna o más de las siguientes caracteristicas:
a) Son rependejos.
b) Son priistas aunque en el PRI no los quieren.
c)Les gusta que les regalen dinero,aún sabiendo que en su puta vida han pagado impuestos.
d) Les gusta hacerla de pedo
Afortunadamente hay uno que otro rarísimo que no lo es.
Ricardo W.

Ya saben que me encanta el cine y la gente que comparte esa afición automaticamente me cae bien,aún si es lo único que tenemos en comun.
Cuando joven me rodeaba de muchos chicos confundidos (como somos todos cuando dejamos la pubertad y creemos que nos comemos el mundo y que los pendejos son los demás, siendo que es tan facil ver la verdad) y el blog de
me los recuerda
Cuando veía la TV me latian mucho las series gringas y de repente dejaban de salir, fue así como me tope con ese concepto de las SEASONS (que ya por fin ha llegado a Mexicalpan de las tunas) y en el blog de
me siento bien a gustote
Uno más de los apasionados o geeks como les gusta llamarles, pero este señor no cae en los excesos de alt copy paste (como diría Linuxman) y realmente es una lectura agradable.

Que se llama así :

Me gusto también la intolerancia de "El judio" en :
Puro rant y pura verda como la de que muchos ignoran el motivo pero casí casí exigen el 5 de mayo

De este blog
Sólo me gusta la autora, se puede ver que esta bien dañadota