Saturday, April 15, 2006

Do "Hardcore Gamers" Still Matter?

Con esto de que ahora las compañias estan dedicadas a atraer al "casual gamer" (si te compras una consola creo que dejas de serlo,en la mayoría de los casos, pero en fin) que pasa con el otro extremo, el freak (en la mejor de la intenciones) apasionado que se sabe todos los finales posibles de esos juegos que tienen como único reclamo ese hecho, que odia a los piratas (también en la mayoría de los casos, el gamer tercermundista es de moral un poco menos estricta) y que no se ha lavado la mano desde que Miyamoto se la estrechó.

¿Qué hay de ellos?

¿Ya no importan?, ¿Estan en peligro de extinción?

Este articulo en Gamespy intenta vertir un poco de luz sobre la opinion de los creativos al respecto.

If you're not a hardcore gamer yourself, chances are that you know one. He (or she) is the one who knows the exact day the next Miyamoto game is due out. He proudly wears t-shirts that say "Pwnd" or "Mushroom power." He may eagerly pay a small fortune importing obscure games from Japan and enjoy quoting Will Wright the way one would Confucius.

But how does the industry itself define this fiercely dedicated audience? How do game developers, marketing executives, and the media view them? How much of an effect does this group have over the game industry as a whole, and how much attention does the industry actually give them?

To get our answers, we turned to a diverse collection of game industry insiders for an in-depth Q-and-A session. Here's what they had to say.

The High-Level Executive

Let's start off at the very top. For the upper-level hardware and software executive point of view, we have Tina Kowalewski, Vice President of Development at 7 Studios, the company behind the recent Fantastic Four game. She helped launch both the PlayStation and the PlayStation 2 at Sony and has more than fifteen years of industry experience working for companies such as Interplay and Sammy.

GameSpy: First off, what is your definition of a hardcore gamer?
Tina Kowalewski: Hardcore, in terms of a gamer, is typically male between the ages of 14-34 who spends most of his leisure time playing video games over any other form of entertainment or activity. Much of their expendable income is dedicated to buying the latest, greatest games and gaming technology; whether it's the newest gaming console or upgrading their PC.
GameSpy: How important is this hardcore gamer group to developers?
Kowalewski: Hardcore gamers are very important to developers and publishers because they are the "influencers" when it comes to driving buzz and sales for a game. Hardcore gamers may play up to 100 games per year, but they only make up about 1/5 to 1/4 of game purchasers, but their influence over the rest of the game sales is enormous, potentially turning a moderate hit into a monster.
GameSpy: How much attention do you think developers give or should give to hardcore gamers?
Kowalewski: Developers must consider the influence of the hardcore gamers when making any game unless it's targeted at a different audience such as young kids. Hardcore gamers are the hardest to please, and they are very opinionated, passionate and vocal -- this is a good thing if your game is great, but they will definitely let everyone know if your game is not.
GameSpy:How much influence do hardcore gamers have over the direction of the game industry?
Kowalewski: Since these are a very vocal number, quite a bit. They often help shape trends early that later trickle down to the "casual" gamers market -- music games, for example, started gaining speed as specialized and difficult arcade titles (Beatmania) before hitting the mainstream (Dance Dance Revolution, Guitar Hero). First-Person Shooters could have been seen as hardcore games before titles such as Halo made them everyday fare, and Role-Playing Games were a niche market in America before vocal "hardcore" gamers helped make Final Fantasy a household name.
GameSpy: Can hardcore gamers ever be harmful to development?
Kowalewski: Sometimes, yes. It's a fine line to develop games that "anyone" could enjoy, and if you pay too much attention to pleasing the most vocal of your audience (the "hardcore" gamers), you run the risk of making the game unappealing to the market you're really going after (the "casual" gamers) by making it too difficult or specialized.
GameSpy: In the future, what do you think will happen to the hardcore demographic?
Kowalewski: In my opinion, it'll definitely continue to grow. And so will the casual gamer demo... Having more casual games will not negatively affect the number of hardcore gamers.
It's easy to assume that the upper-level executive is only concerned with the bottom line, but we should remember that these guys aren't born in a vacuum. Most of them have paid their dues and climbed up from the bottom, just like everyone else. The good ones remember their roots and believe in the value of what a dedicated hardcore audience has to offer, and it shows in this interview.

Friday, April 14, 2006

¿Y tú a quién llamarías?

Visitaba este blog deportivo que tanto me agrada y me tope con estos promos de Adidas, donde José y otros 10 se dan gusto en la cascara.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

STAFF MEMBERS at Ubisoft have been telling forum sites that they are no longer using the controversial maker of DRM products Starforce.

Ubisoft dumps Starforce DRM - claim

Forum leaks

By Nick Farrell: Thursday 13 April 2006, 15:02

STAFF MEMBERS at Ubisoft have been telling forum sites that they are no longer using the controversial maker of DRM products Starforce.

They say that maker of Heroes of Might & Magic has dropped Starforce DRM from its forthcoming release, number five, and will not be using it in the future.

That is not to say that the firm is dumping DRM, just that Starforce is no longer in the running.

The rider on this news is that nothing official has come from Ubisoft yet and the announcement has only been made by people identified as staffers on the various Heroes of Might & Magic forums.

More here. µ

Garfield lo ha dicho todo

Puto peje

Ser priista no es malo.
Ser un pinche frustrado que en el PRI no pudo hacer nada bien y tuvo que huir al refugio de todos los priistas frustrados

Eso, eso si es de dar pena.

Pide Irán ser tratada como potencia nuclear

MOSCÚ, Rusia, abr. 13, 2006.- El presidente de Irán, Mahmoud Ahmadineyad, pidió este jueves a la comunidad internacional que su país sea tratado como una potencia nuclear e insistió en el derecho que tiene el pueblo iraní de desarrollar este tipo de tecnología.

"Sabemos que ellos (en referencia a Estados Unidos y sus aliados) están esperando que retrocedamos una pulgada, para poder usarlo contra nosotros", señaló Ahmadineyad en declaraciones difundidas por la agencia gubernamental de noticias IRNA.

"Hoy, nuestra situación ha cambiado por completo.

Somos un país nuclear y podemos hablar con otros desde la posición de un país nuclear",
agregó el mandatario de la nación islámica en referencia a que Irán no está dispuesta a negociar con nadie su programa atómico.

Ahmadineyad ha defendido el derecho de su país a su programa nuclear, dentro de proyectos pacíficos que cumplan con todos los acuerdos internacionales y la estricta supervisión de la AIEA.

Las palabras del presidente iraní coinciden con el arribo a Teherán del director general de la Agencia Internacional de la Energía Atómica (AIEA), Mohamed ElBaradei, quien expresó su optimismo sobre la posibilidad de encontrar una salida al conflicto.

El rector del máximo organismo que regula las actividades nucleares reiteró ante la prensa que en la actualidad es el momento adecuado para hallar una solución pacífica a la crisis que a suscitado la reactivación del programa atómico iraní.

ElBaradei, quien vista por quinta vez el país islámico, manifestó su deseo de que Irán se ajuste a los requerimientos de la comunidad internacional y reiteró que el objetivo de su visita es el de clarificar los asuntos pendientes sobre el programa nuclear iraní.

El caso nuclear iraní se agudizó en febrero pasado cuando la Junta de Gobernadores de la AIEA trasladó el caso ante el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU, ya que aunque no se encontraron evidencias de programas armamentistas, se acusó a Teherán de falta de cooperación.

La República Islámica proclamó su postura en momentos en que la prensa estadounidense reveló presuntos planes de Washington para lanzar un ataque militar contra ese país, los cuales han sido desmentidos por el presidente George W. Bush.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Switched On: Boot Camp

Switched On: Boot Camp - The Miffing Manual

Each week Ross Rubin contributes Switched On, a weekly column about the future of technology, multimedia, and digital entertainment:

"All right! Listen up, maggot! Welcome to Fort Dragg. I am your Commanding Microsoft Office-er Sgt. Pepper! How do you like that for trademark infringement, Apple Corps? I bet you came here today because you wanted to serve your computer company by beta testing Boot Camp? Well, let me tell you something. It ain't gonna be easy, you puke!

"Over the next 50 minutes, I will become your father, your mother, your Apple Specialist, your third-tier tech support person, and your best friend! Your heart may belong to Apple but your butt belongs to me! Your precious vendor won't support other operating systems, so you better be quicker than a FireWire 800 port, because if you ain't, you just may blow your disk up with your laser mouse.

"You come here as a sack of rotting apples unfit to touch a scroll ball! But I will tear down your hard drive into partitions until you cry. You will feel the burn like a driver CD. You will break like compatibility with classic Mac applications. Your identity will be so far gone that Spotlight won't be able to find it. Remember, there is no Windows ME in 'team.' If you can reset your system clock, you will leave with a time-killing, dual-booting, PC game-running machine! Do you hear me!?"

"Sir! Yes, sir!"

"You look me straight in the iSight when you talk to me. Is that understood, maggot, or do I have to create a Keynote presentation for you?"

"No, sir! Cinema-quality effects that animate text, graphics and slides are not necessary, sir!"

"Louder, maggot! Whattsa matter? You install the volume limiter on your iPod?"


"Now, you're gonna have to understand a few things before you engage the enemy. The enemy will do anything it can to kill your morale. It will show its flag whenever you try to boot it. The enemy is not beyond using viral agents. The enemy will not shy from spying on your personal information. The enemy is not human. It cannot understand us, at least not without software such as Mediafour's MacDrive. And the strongest among us have been known to cower with a three-finger salute when confronted with its fearsome Blue Screen of Death. War is Dell.

"You there, hiding in front of the glass!"

"Yes, sir?"

"You are uninstalling a program and the enemy offers to remove DLLs that are no longer needed! Do you agree to it?"

"Sure, sir. I don't see why not."

"Well, look who stepped out from behind the Genius Bar! You stupid maggot! You're as slow as Photoshop under Rosetta; I've seen Automator scripts smarter than you! You never trust the enemy! Now drop and give me 20 right-clicks!"

"But, sir, my MacBook Pro has no right mouse button!"

"40 right clicks! If I wanted to look at something full of hot air, I'd have bought me a G5! Now DROP before I use this iPod HiFi to knock you into the middle of the Macworld 2007 keynote!

"All right, now! I want this group to disappear like application in Exposé. March through the steps needed to install XP on your Mac. March! And I want to hear that marching song as you do it! Mac OS Ten-Hut!"

"PC vendors had their say!
Vista missed the holiday!
I don't know but I've been told
Leopard's master will reach gold!
XP is what we will tame!
Virtual PC is so lame!
Sound off! Menu bar!
Sound off! Taskbar!
1-2-3-4. We are… Dual Corps!"

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

AMLO es un cancer que pudre mentes

Blogs pendejos

El primero en esta lista es el cerrado como un culo, lleva por nombre "El sendero del peje al 2006", aunque podría tomar prestado el nombre de una obra GGM. "Cronica de una nación arruinada por que los pendejos son mayoría"
En este blog, fieles al ejemplo de El gran PEJe no hay derecho a replica, todo son complo´ s

Me tope con este blog mientras vagaba por el Blog de Eduardo Arcos.

Esta pagina es peor aún, colores "del partido del sol azteca" y ligas a la pagina de AMLO, aquí al menos no he visto rayos de esperanza Andrés Manuel :Regalanos el dinero de los que pagan impuestos.

, es una comunidad en Msn de más ciegos a voluntad. de risa loca Por el bien de todos (los que tiene como único merito ser muchos y haber vivido mucho tiempo y como única meta que un presidente populista nos regale dinero)

Los que reciben el dinero del spam que te pide que votes por "rayito de esperanza", muchas ligas para pedirte dinero, una foto de amlo bien jovialote y saludabletotote,so, así es , su pagina oficial.

Votos frescos e irreflexivos, pero eso sí, se sienten bien chingones.

Un blog del que parece estar menos atarantado, un Oscar García con quien concuerdo en que no hay que votar por miedo, pero me gustaría que también pidiera que no se vote por dadovas o "nomas por que si"
Concuerdo con usted señor García y parece ser el menos atarantado de los posibles votantes por Obrador

¿Viste jugar a Jordan?

Hasta pena me dan las nuevas generaciones que no vieron o veran jugar a este señorazo, hasta los que no le ibamos a los Bulls queriamos que llegaran hasta la final y que se fuera a 7 juegos para poder ver a este ASTRO demostrando toda su capacidad, idolo de todos.

Me sentí como el estupido narrador argentino que se puso a llora con aquelo del "Barrilete cósmico" en el gol de Maradona, pero si, así de bueno era el 23