Sunday, June 14, 2009

Allen Iverson, Overrated?

Ahora que se acerca el juego 5 de las finales de la NBA y la gente parece seguir discutiendo quien es el mejor y hay quienes hablan de que James está sobre valuado me acorde de otro jugador que también ha sido acusado de estar muy inflado.

Allen Iverson, el tío me cae mal, pero hay que reconocer que para alguien de su tamaño (somos de más o menos la misma estatura) anotar un promedio de 30 puntos por partido durante una decada y tener jugadas como ésta en la que hizo ver mal al autentico 23, me parece que es una discusión de ardidos.

Allen Iverson es un gran jugador, pero malo como sólo él a la hora de trabajar en equipo.

Is Lebron Better than Kobe?

He claims championships or rings don’t settle the score.
He claims that the Cleveland Team isn't better than the Lakers and goes to compare the current Lakers team and he gets to the conclusion that every single player in Los Angeles would be the second best player in Cleveland and blaims Danny Ferry, General Manager for Cleveland of letting his best player "to win the war by himself" without a good supporting cast. which Kobe does have.

I don't know if Lebron is better that the Black Mamba, I have not seen enough of his games to make my mind about that, and I don't know if Orlando is choking and letting Lakers win, I do recall I said Orlando was my pic for taking this series and that players like Derek Fisher have been there on our darkest hours to save us.

Laker's 15th seems to be very close and I couldn't care less for the point of which one is better, the 24 is a great player and if people want to be really anal about this thing, we can't measure who's better because of the differences on weight and height, or can we?

By the way. Do you know what franchise among the NBA teams is ESPN's choice for the all time best?
Of course Los Angeles Lakers, despite Boston having more titles.

Kashmir by Led Zeppelin

Regresando de la boda del buen Chucho, me encontré con éste vídeo en Tecnoculto, es Kashmir por Led Zeppelin, la banda favorita del "ave del paraiso", a mi me gusta mucho éste.....¿riff? sé nada de música, de hecho lo tenía como tono en mi robado N73 (pudrete ladrón), pero no ésta versión, la de 1998 de Puff Daddy para el soundtrack de Godzilla.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Waiting for the usernames on facebook

usernames on facebook

Actualizado, ahora mi username en Facebook es

Almost There

lakers stole game 4 of the 2009 nba finalsLakers won a tough game, one that seemed headed for disaster since the very beginning, they were down by 12 points at half-time and on fouls problems since the fisrt quarter, they even resorted to some players I had never seen on the court.

Things were really looking grim, Howard had send Gasol and Bynum to the Bench and Turkoglu was doing as pleased.

But after the half time the entire Laker tteam caught up their pace and started being more aggressive on the defensive side, Ariza was our guide and in the closing minutes Derek Fisher, the same Fisher that had been left on the bench on the closing minutes of earlier games due to his low scoring tied the game with a 3pointer and had another one in OT.

Google puede quedarse con las búsquedas.


Es la impresión que me queda cuando visito Bing, que para desgracia nuestra en México está mutiladona, por esos acuerdos con l horrible prodigy.

Me gusta Bing, me gusta Google, si quiero un dato muy técnico, casi siempre uso Google, pero si es una búsqueda de una página, no tengo empacho en usar bing, además de que me late como presenta sus resultados, hay que recordar que en eso, ya se llevaba a google de calle hace mucho tiempo. (aguas si estás buscando material NSFW)