Showing posts with label tablets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tablets. Show all posts

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Skulls of The Shogun - Multiplataforma (en Microsoft)

Me acuerdo que cuando Microsoft mato Windows Mobile, algo así , un verdadero soporte multiplataforma se rumoraba para WP7, Xbox 360 y PC.

Este juego no se ve mal, y salvo la xbox, las otras dos plataformas me llaman la atención.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Gabe no bromeaba - Steam se expande

Ya tenemos fecha para la llegada de windows 8, Octubre 26, así que hay un fin de semana para que los early adopters migren de la beta o instalen brand new y tweaken lo que quieran.

Una persona que no espera con muchas ansias a Windows 7 es el fundador de Valve, (ex Microsoft) Gabe Newell, quien ha llamado a la próxima release como una catastrofe

I think that Windows 8 is kind of a catastrophe for everybody in the PC space. I think that we’re going to lose some of the top-tier PC . They’ll exit the market. I think margins are going to be destroyed for a bunch of people. If that’s true, it’s going to be a good idea to have alternatives to hedge against that eventuality. But when you start thinking about a platform, you have to address it. You have to address mobile. You have to look at what’s going to happen post-tablet. If you look at the mouse and keyboard, it was stable for about 25 years. I think touch will be stable for about 10 years. I think post-touch, and we’ll be stable for a really long time — for another 25 years. I think touch will be this intermediate….
 Además de lanzar Steam en Linux en un futuro cercano  (hay mucha gente que sólo usa Windows para jugar, pues wine y otras opciones a veces no alcanzan) y optimizar su añejo source engine para que corra más rápido en ubuntu (¿se acuerdan cuando Carmack y su id SOftware eran los únicos?).

That the Linux version runs faster than the Windows version (270.6) seems a little counter-intuitive, given the greater amount of time we have spent on the Windows version. However, it does speak to the underlying efficiency of the kernel and OpenGL. Interestingly, in the process of working with hardware vendors we also sped up the OpenGL implementation on Windows. Left 4 Dead 2 is now running at 303.4 FPS with that configuration.

 Hoy la tienda anuncia que a partir del próximo mes tendrá más software que aprovechara las ventajas que conocemos y amamos, como steamworks, descarga cuantas veces quieras (y sí, se ha acusado a Steam de ser un DRM, pero es un de lo mejor queridos)

Launch Set of "Software" Titles Coming Sept 5

Aug 8, 2012 -- Valve, creators of best-selling game franchises (such as Counter-Strike, Half-Life, Left 4 Dead, Portal, and Team Fortress) and leading technologies (such as Steam and Source), today announced the first set of Software titles are heading to Steam, marking a major expansion to the platform most commonly known as a leading destination for PC and Mac games.

The Software titles coming to Steam range from creativity to productivity. Many of the launch titles will take advantage of popular Steamworks features, such as easy installation, automatic updating, and the ability to save your work to your personal Steam Cloud space so your files may travel with you.

More Software titles will be added in an ongoing fashion following the September 5th launch, and developers will be welcome to submit Software titles via Steam Greenlight.

"The 40 million gamers frequenting Steam are interested in more than playing games," said Mark Richardson at Valve. "They have told us they would like to have more of their software on Steam, so this expansion is in response to those customer requests."

Así que aunque Microsoft refute lo dicho por el que fuera uno de los suyos, la guerra esta declarada. (por favor, Xbox windows suena mal, y le dará de que hablar a los que dicen que la xbox es lo único bueno que ha hecho Redmond en años)

El problema es el mismo de siempre, Windows quiere ser todo para todos, y Windows 8 es tablet OS, PC....., Blizzard y Stardock también han dicho que hay problemas.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The boner this video gave me

Doctors are calling my condition Priapism

Tomorrow we will talk about ALL the shockwaves this is generating (licensees are going to be pissed, but hey, windows phone 7 was a mild advice)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Kindle Fire... Amazon la está rompiendo y otros no lo notan

Y no sólo es lo mucho que aprovecharon lo que Blackberry ya había trabajado en su playbook y están castigando el precio (199 USD?)
Sus libros de kindle están en todos los dispositivos, ahora están por convertirse en una editorial, regalando apps diario dieron a conocer su tienda para Android y están en una posición increíble para explotar a los usuarios que ya están hartos de crackear, descargar y que saben que si hay consecuencias, en serio no se porque Amazon no está acaparando la discusión.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Kindle Fire - touch - keyboard

Nowadays it has become for companies almost impossible to keep their launches in secrecy, the last time someone really pulled a surprise was Apple in 2007, nobody was ready for the iPhone reveal.

We knew that Amazon was about to reveal a small form factor tablet, but we were not sure it would be a kindle, an the rumors also point out that this is only the beginning, we are supposed to see 10 inchers in the next weeks.

The kindle lineup grew and we know have some remarkable items that are really interesting.

When my students (high schoolers in love with their blackberries) try my kindle (the now so called kindle keyboard) they always touch it, they are really used to that interaction, I have to explain to them that you navigate with the buttons to the side, but that is no longer the case, the new Kindle touch is a really remarkable achievement, a touchable screen with e-ink readability, I want someone to buy one so I can compare it to my Kindle Keyboard, but the only problem I have with it is the color, I like the graphite one so much more.

The kindle fire runs android (as we knew it would) and takes advantage of the store amazon had been prepping up to this point, and it was announced a few days before this launch that this is now a global store.

If we are to stay realistic , the Kindle fire is no iPad killer, it is a threat to the nook color and a nicely priced tablet that will be an interesting proposition.

The iPad was the cheapest option for a tablet with that size (people don't realize that sometimes) and the Kindle fire is in a different league, some like the 7 inchers better and with the price of the fire now someone with a real grasp of the business can finally present an option to the ipad, so let us hope that Google and amazon can make this really appealing.

I just want to know what happened to the DX Will we see it ever again? and I believe the only reason the kindle keyboard still exist is to deplete their stock without discounts and to avoid price protection complaints for the jerks (like me) that had just bought one.

Dear Customers,

There are two types of companies: those that work hard to charge customers more, and those that work hard to charge customers less. Both approaches can work. We are firmly in the second camp.

These are high-end products – the best Kindles we’ve ever made. Kindle and Kindle Touch have the most-advanced E Ink display technology available, and the 3G Kindle Touch adds free 3G wireless – no monthly fees and no annual contracts. Kindle Fire brings everything we’ve been working on at Amazon for 15 years together into a single, fully-integrated experience for customers – instant access to Amazon’s massive selection of digital content, a vibrant color IPS touchscreen with extra-wide viewing angle, a 14.6 ounce design that’s easy to hold with one hand, a state-of-the-art dual core processor, free storage in the Amazon Cloud, and an ultra-fast mobile browser – Amazon Silk – available exclusively on Kindle Fire.

We are building premium products and offering them at non-premium prices.

Thank you for being a customer,

Jeff Bezos
Founder & CEO

p.s. – Kindle Fire has a radical new web browser called Amazon Silk. When you use Silk – without thinking about it or doing anything explicit – you’re calling on the raw computational horsepower of Amazon EC2 to accelerate your web browsing. If you're curious, watch this short video to learn more about how it works.

Lo más interesante del kindle fire además del precio (bastante bueno si no hay que pagar fletes e impuestos) es su tecnología para el navegador SILK que nos recuerda los intentos de America online y Opera para hacer que la navegación sea más luida, más fácil y con un menor traslado de datos de y hacia las terminales, en este caso haciendo uso del Amazon Elastic compute cloud (a lo que en un ataque les ha dado por llamar EMC2)

Acá está un paseo por Silk, el cloud powered browser de Amazon

Thursday, February 17, 2011

22 de febrero Xoom y W7 SP1

pues sí, el martes será el día que aparecerá la xoom en las tiendas, aunque el día 21 ya se estarán surtiendo las pre-ordenes (el manual ya está en línea) en DROID LIFE y ya puedes ir comprendiendo muchos detalles de honeycomb que los mactards sin probar ya llaman lento y diseñado por comités, también ese día, Microsoft lanza el para nada esperado service pack 1 de sus windows (lo que Vista debió haber sido) 7, en medio de cero personas esperándolo, los problemas que yo he tenido con 7 se deben a drivers mal hechos, nada que ver con el hardware.

Motorola no puede competir con the astonishing tribe ]que lamentablemente ya son exclusivos de blackberry) o con el sense de HTC, su motoblur es basura, y si no puedes decirlo es porque te la pasas besando las patas a los RP de Motorola)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

'Everybody On' ....ughhh de HP

¿ven por qué temiamos que la sin chiste HP se hiciera de WEB OS?
vean este promo de toda su línea, tablets, laptops (¿ya no más? netbooks) y los overhypeados beat (igual de malos en precio/beneficioo que skullcandy)
everybody ...frag
everybody tweet
muy ñoño este comercial, no se, todo mundo quiere ser más apple que apple, pero lo intentan demasiado

everybody app...yuk, tenía que ser HP

Monday, February 7, 2011

Xoom ad

You know what?
Actually the xoom ad that Motorola aired during superbowl is actually not that anti apple.
Well, ok, it is, but it never says the name or show the fruit, and if you use the white buds that come with the iPod, well, you might be a robot, those thing sound like shit.

Motorola struggles mightily and rarely comes out with great hardware, the droid was the last time we regarded Motorola's design with something tantamount to respect, so I believe we can understand why they want to pick a fight with apple, but what I don't get is how the hell they think they can get something out of calling the apple loyalist soulless drones , I already spoke about about this, people with ideals when buying hardware are few and actually not so prone to expend money on day one and only because this is the "anti iPad". so I think this ad is cool only because it reminds us of how far is apple from the company they believed they were back in 1984 when Ridley Scott directed that legendary promo (that was never aired again for copyright infrigement of Orwell's work)

The xoom is going to cost $800 (USD) so they have an uphill battle and that is only against the original iPad, if apple remains loyal to it's tradition we''l have a new ipad at the same price point in a few weeks.

Are the fandroids coming to Motorola's rescue? I don't think so, most Android noisy fans do not own top of the line terminals.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Xoom Honeycomb tablet video #2

Motorola quiere hacer vídeos como la serie de que pasa la pandilla de Steve Jobs cuando hacen sus anuncios, eso en los que sale Jony Ive a contarnos como sus nuevos dispositivos son siempre Mágicos y revolucionarios (según ellos) y yo sospecho que tienen mensajes subliminales muy avanzados porque la gente se los cree.

Sólo que Motorola no podía usar el mismo slow pan y el fondo blanco de Apple, así que se fueron por un look más "real" y vaya que hay mucha comedia involuntarioa, por ejemplo cuando se ven sus vasos de café (sin marcas) en la posición 1:13 y otra vez en 2:55 y ¿qué me dicen de los acentos?
¿tambien nos queremos robar al señor Ive?

Xoom by Motorola

Verizon va a hacer un anuncio el martes 11 en NY, probablemente sea un gadget que ya llevan mucho tiempo esperando, lamentablemente hay mucha gente que no sabe de lo que habla, pero lo quiere, es lo que pasa con las redes 4G, todavía ni sabemos que es 4G y algunos carriers nada más de ganas ahora le llaman 4G a sus redes.

En lo que LTE llega y se afianza, Motorola tiene una tableta con la versión de Android "aprobada y santificada" por Google Honeycomb y aquí hay una serie de bulletpoints sobre sus features.

Que ya hasta las tablets sean dual core es señal de que la gente si puede pagarla no está dispuesta a esperar ni un segundo más d elo necesario para correr una aplicación, y que ya la vida d ela batería hay que tratar de prolongarla con otras técnicas.
HAy specs de esta tablet d elas que hablaremos después, pero si hay alguien que le dice CPU a la cajota donde se alojan los componentes de su PC, pues con ellos ni hablar.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Demo de Honeycomb (Android 3.0 for tablets) @CES 2011

Este demo no deja tantas cosas en el aire como el vídeo que vimos ayer, pero al mismo tiempo aterriza tanto el 3.0 que ya no deja que uno se imagine que es el mejor invento desde el pan en rebanadas.
Algo pierden las cosas cuando dejamos de imaginarlas , eso si, queda claro el porque Google intento indirectamente que Samsung se "aguantara las carnes" con el lanzamiento de su tab.