Thursday, July 27, 2006

Así va a ser el Cartel de Spiderman

Pues ya lo mostramos alla abajo,pero aquí esta la liga en isolitus (que ya se echo a perder)

Intel takes away AMD bargaining chip with price cuts

By Stan Beer
Friday, 28 July 2006
The release of Intel's new Core 2 dual-core range of processors combined with price cuts to older products has effectively pulled the rug out from under AMD, which has been fighting desperately to counter Intel's moves in the past week.

AMD has made three major announcements in the past week, including massive price cuts, in an attempt to keep Intel off balance as the market leader continues to receive positive reviews about the new Core 2 range.

However, with the announcement that Intel will cut prices on most of its older range, AMD has no alternative but to follow suit with its current processor range, which will lead to a margin squeezing pricing war.

For Intel, cutting prices on older Pentium products is no big deal. Now that it has a clear performance advantage with Core 2, Intel can afford to maintain its margins on the new range.

The problem for AMD is that its next generation of products are not due to mid-2007. Meanwhile, the smaller rival to Intel is trying to prevent leakage from its recently hard won market share by offering up price cuts and sticky taping processors together in packages such as 4x4.

When AMD announced that it had cracked 20% market share, the company's CEO Hector Ruiz publicly set a goal for the company to reach 30% market share by 2008. The release of Intel's new products makes that goal now seem a remote possibility and AMD may have to instead focus its efforts on keeping its head above the 20% mark.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The villain in 2008

Mr. Favreau of Swingers and Made fame, named fan-favorite and long-standing Iron Man archenemy Mandarin as the villain who will be the rust in Tony Stark's armor.

Sword of Storms

Una muy buena pelicula basada en un comic que ha estado roindadno el mercado mexicano desde los 90 pero nunca ha despegado, a mi me gusta mucho Hellboy, el dDVD a pesar de no tener una gran calidad de video es de los que entran constantenmente a la bandeja de mi Dvd-rom.
Llega a Carton Network en Octubre (ese es un gran mes) y a DVD en Febrero 6 (espero que a México también caramba)

Index of /pub/

Así es mis jovenes, todavía no parece en la pagina ni en el update, pero ya esta la nueva versión de Firefox (cada vez falta menos para la 2.0)

Denle click al título

OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Que guapa esta la representante de India y la señorita polaca tambien es muy bellla.
Ka norteamericana es muy "generic" pero sus fotos nuevas....

Y la de Israel me encanta

Ahora ya quiero ir a la comic con como cuando niño