Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Método oficial de mandar a la goma el WGA

Ahora si de plano, Microsoft elimina el antiguo metodo de checar periodicamente si el windows en tu computadora es legal.

Ha liberado una utilidad para remover el antiguo metodo de chequeo de WGA y muchos otros "fixes" en Windows Security & Updates (además de patches para La beta 2 de Windows Vista) y hasta una serie de instrucciones oficiales para remover la herramienta aduciendo que esaversión previa era un piloto.

Microsoft released a new version of Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications on Tuesday and detailed how to remove the controversial antipiracy software.

The updated WGA Notifications package includes changes that respond to criticism Microsoft has faced over the software, the company said. It no longer checks in with Microsoft after each restart, for example.

"Our customers have told us that they were disappointed with their WGA Notifications experience, and we have made an effort to improve that with this update," a Microsoft representative said in an e-mail interview.

WGA Notifications displays alerts on systems running a pirated copy of Windows and includes a separate tool called WGA Validation that runs a piracy check.

Microsoft has faced a lot of heat over WGA Notifications--in particular, because it delivered a prerelease version of the tool alongside security fixes, perhaps turning Windows users into unsuspecting guinea pigs. Also, WGA Notifications was found to ping a Microsoft server after each system restart, a behavior the company did not disclose.

While Microsoft is responding to some of the criticism, it said it will continue to distribute WGA Notifications via the Automatic Updates feature in Windows as a "high priority" update, even though it is not a security update. Some critics had argued that Microsoft should find another way to distribute the tool. Automatic Updates is a service intended to keep users secure by delivering software updates and drivers that help protect against the latest publicly known security threats and reliability issues.

"By using Automatic Updates, Microsoft is able to reach the greatest number of PC users," a representative of th software company said. "Microsoft believes it has a right to know whether systems using a service intended for licensed customers are in fact licensed systems."

Removing alert tool
For the first time, though, Microsoft is offering guidelines on how to remove WGA Notifications. Previously, it had said the software could not be uninstalled, leading others to develop numerous cracks and homegrown patches to counter the tool.

WGA Notifications still can't be removed using the Windows "Add or Remove Programs" feature. Installing the new version will automatically remove the older version of the software.

But for those who don't want the new release, Microsoft now provides step-by-step removal instructions for the old version in a support article on its Web site. It said those instructions will also work to uninstall the updated release of the antipiracy tool, but it said it doesn't sanction that use--if you try to remove the latest version and mess up, you're on your own.

"We have heard from customers that some wish to remove the software," the company representative said. "Anyone who uninstalls...WGA Notifications will still have the new release offered to them via Automatic Updates or Windows Update. Uninstalling the newest version using these instructions is not tested, supported or recommended."

Installation of WGA Notifications remains optional, though that might change in the future, the Microsoft representative said.

The update ends the trial period for WGA Notifications. Microsoft will now start pushing it to users worldwide. All users of English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Dutch and Brazilian Portuguese language versions of Windows XP will soon be offered the updated software, Microsoft said. While WGA Notifications won't "call home" to Microsoft, WGA Validation still periodically checks in with Microsoft, the software maker said.

¿Vas a votar?

Ojo, no es crear más escuelas a lo pendejo, es hacer buenas a las que ya existen.

No es aumentar a lo estupido el número de efectivos de los cuerpos de seguridad, es escogerlos bien y pagarles lo justo.

Vota por quien quieras, pero razona y fijate que tan factibles son las perlas de la virgen que te estan prometiendo.

Visto en Paco Calderon siguiendo un enlace de Ijon Tichy

Sunday, June 25, 2006


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Primeros reviews

Los primeros reviews de "Superman Returns" dicen que la pelicula es buena, más que buena, pero no excelente.

Al parecer la pelicula tiene acción (pero no mucha) romance (pero no mucho) y drama (mucho drama).

Al parecer Synger no se equivoco en el casting pues sus actores son creibles (tengamos en cuenta que esto es el primer comic) y por lo menos yo tengo muchas ganas de ver a Marlon Brandon en su papel de Jor-el.

"Brandon Routh turns in a performance that at many times plays as an homage to Christopher Reeve's legendary portrayal of Superman while managing to prove scene-after-scene that he now owns the role."

Los peros son que parece que hay que verla con toda la tecnología, por lo menos en imax 3d (esta hecha para ese formato así que no habra dolor de cabeza) y no hay tantas.

"There's an airborne action sequence in particular that delivered, for me, the greatest sensory thrill I've ever experienced from a mainstream movie in my life. There's no question that anyone within reach of an IMAX presentation of this film HAS TO SEE IT THIS WAY."

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Desde hace un tiempo tenía el proyecto de ponerles ligas a juegos gratis y legales.

Pero no juegos sencillitos en flash (que también tienen su chiste y me gustan mucho), no, a juegos que en su día fueron productos comerciales y que ahora sus creadores ya sea para quedar bien, para promocionar secuelas o porque el publico no acepto su modelo ya estan regalando ya sea en su web o en sitios como tucows (busquenlos pronto en el side bar)

Tambien de juegos freeware desde su concepción como el que nos atañe ahora


Penumbra es un juego creado por un pequeño equipo de desarrolladores que tenian como objetivo llevar el uso de fisica en los juegos a un nuevo nivel.

Una descripción del juego (con el nombre parece más que suficiente) es : Un juego de aventura con elementos de horror que avanza a un ritmo semi lento.

Si te latio Undying , algun Silent Hill (y la pelicula entro o entra en tus planes) o hasta un Resident evil deberías probarlo.

Los requisitos de hardware no son nada de otro mundo y las gráficas son muy buenas, además la descarga es pequeña, encargaselo a tu download manger y tan solo descomprimelo, trae hasta su manual

Aquí hay ligas para que veas gameplay, ya sea en .mov o en avi con xvid

Pruebenlo y no olviden visitar la pagina http://penumbragame.com/

Friday, June 23, 2006

ForceWare Release 90 Version: 91.31

Hoy 23 de Junio salieron los nuevos drivers de Nvidia, así que si tienes una geforce ( o dos para el SLI) ó una Quadro pues no esperes.

Lo nuevo en esta "release" es la compatibilidad con
las Geforce 7950 Gx2, además de los comunes fixes y compatibilidades.

Release Highlights:

  • WHQL Certified
  • Adds support for GeForce 7950 GX2.
  • Includes the new NVIDIA Control Panel. Please visit the NVIDIA Control Panel website for more information.
  • New NVIDIA PureVideo features and enhancements. Please visit the NVIDIA PureVideo website for more information on PureVideo technology and system requirements.
    • Adds noise reduction post processing
    • Adds image sharpening post processing
    • Improved Inverse telecine algorithm
    • Improved de-interlacing algorithm
    • Improved compatibility with third party MPEG-2 decoders
  • Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0c and OpenGL® 2.0 support

Además ya salio otra iteración para NVIDIA nTune , así que si tiene una MOBO basada en Nforce bajala para monitorear y modificar algunos valores en tu sistema (ya sabes que sin buena PSU no vale la pena intentarlo)