Thursday, August 29, 2013

Por fin un acicate en ebooks en México

"no hay e-books en castellano porque no hay demanda y no hay demanda porque no hay e-books en castellano"

Después de los horrendos lectores que lanzó gandhi en su alianza con Papyre y la llegada de libro a Play. no había pasado gran cosa con los e-books en México.

El gigante que destruye modos de vida, remodela ciudades y cambia hábitos de compra, extiende por fin sus tentáculos a México

No sé después de España ¿por qué tardó tanto?
No hay otra nación con más hispanoparlantes (Estados Unidos ya pronto) y si me sueltan la retahila de que "En México no se lee", les voy a dar un golpe (de la frustración)

Llevo un rato platicando con otros pirados de las redes sociales y hay quienes dicen que si hay diferencia de precios,hay quienes dicen que el catálogo está bueno.

Yo tengo varias dudas con gandhi y sus libros con DRM de adobe (¿ya ven porque apesta?)
¿qué va a pasar con ellos?
¿Cómo va a ser la relación con gandhi? ¿sólo de venta?
¿sus catálogos van a competir?
¿qué va a pasar con los precios en México para otras editoriales y otras tiendas?

Por fin, algo de movimiento en este aburrido

Y mejor aún
¿sólo llegaran a los libros? ¿es eso algo bueno?

Hasta este año, cuando quiero leer libros en español, casi siempre es impreso (excepto los de Pixie) y para e-books en inglés tengo mis dos kindle. (de e-ink, no seamos salvajes)

2DS - Octubre 12 2013

Nintendo 2DS

Nintendo North America $129.99

El hermano pobre, o sin gimmick del 3Ds, compatible con su catálogo, pero en otro form factor (barra contra almeja)
Lo demás se mantiene, multijhugador, wi-fi, y el switch del wi-fi es via software (como en los ipods, en lugar de un botón)

Imagine a standard 3DS laid all the way flat, and with the depth slider all the way down. Everything else is there in the system.

Se supone que su publico objetivo son las audiencias todavía más jovenes que las del 3DS, si aquella máquina es para 7 años en adelante, esta tal vez sea para los de kinder...¿no es peligroso el stylus?

En realidad sospecho que es para combatir los horrendos juegos de celular que son gratuitos o muy baratos.

¿En serio? Hay dos o tres juegos que valen la pena por ser hecho a medida de esas plataformas (y algunos implantados que se ajustan muy bien) , pero seamos francos, sin controles, la experiencia apesta o es muy limitada.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

KOBE 2009-2010

La NBA lleva festejando los 35 años de Kobe , casi tanto tiempo como @mjvega , muchas jugadas no me toco verlas por esos años en que con la desbandada de villamelones dejo de haber transmisiones de basket, pero estas de 2007 en adelante las tenemos grabadas en la memoria, en este vídeo en particular a la NBA le dio por juntar jugadas que significaron ganar en los últimos segundos, hay una, la segunda, que fue la que hizo que Dwyane Wade (que siempre ha buscado la comparación con Kobe, a diferencia de Lebron, a quien siempre se la han impuesto) le guardará rencor y se lo cobrara en el all star del 2012, lo que dio origen a la Masked Mamba

Que par de temporadas de tan bello recuerdo las 2009 y 2010, después de esas agonías, horrendas, terribles de 2008.

Una pena lo que está pasando con Lamar, en este recuento siempre está ahí.

la CNTE y el Ludismo

En medio de esta discusión mal llevada de la reforma educativa, que en serio es muy urgente, que si los privilegios, que si los sindicatos, que si los huevones, que si los héroes, que si las comunidades marginadas, se han cometido muchos errores, muchos atropellos, me parece que Peña Nieto tuvo un gran desliz cuando sus palabras se interpretaron como "A LA CALLE".

Pero, ojo, los maestros sólo son los primeros, todos vamos a tener que enfrentar una realidad, que si las luchas sindicales esto y aquello, que ya no hay empleo de por vida, trabajo, ese seguro habrá, empleo...lo más probable es que no, todos tendremos que luchar con ello, ser buscavidas, por algo se promueve tanto "la semana del emprendedor", la realidad es esa, muchos empleos ya no se necesitan , ¿cuántas taquiller@s en realidad necesita el metro del DF?....ningun@, pero uno no puede comentarlo porque es un insensible, un aburguesado pendejo.

Con los maestros es lo mismo, no se vale ponerle el pie a las nuevas generaciones con gente que quiso ser maestro sin vocación, sólo por el "hueso seguro", cierto que hay mucha gente que está ahi porque es su llamado, pero en serio, México está mal, el problema si es que los niños de esas comunidades tienen hambre, pero tambiuén que el SNTE y la CNTE han permitido muchas irregularidades y le han arrebatado funciones al estado.

Todos podemos ayudar, TODOS, podemos dar horas de nuestro tiempo para "regularizar" chicos que lo necesiten, pero por favor, hay que entender que esto es prioridad. ¿El petroleo?, que se lo lleven, es un recurso finito, y lo de hoy es el conocimiento.

Reserator 3 MAX

Me parece que fue hace no mucho (aunque ya llovió bastante) que los entusiastas que querían usar refrigeración liquida, pasaban por un proceso donde aprendían de rugosidades, iban a un taller a maquinar, se peleaban con sus bombas, por el espacio para el radiador, y en general, sólo los más aventados, los más clavados lo hacían.

En aquellos años ya vendían kits de refrigeración líquida, pero usar uno de esos te ganaba las miradas de desaprobación y desprecio de muchos, eras un mariquita que no quería hacer el trabajo duro.

Después de armar mi máquina con 775 (la E6600) me olvide de ese mundillo por completo, fue hasta hace un par de años que volví un poco, cuando arme el la i7 2600, y ahora parece que el estigma ya no existe, es más, ahora lo mal visto es no aprovechar las ventajas y no hacer overclock cuando es tan fácil, ahora las mariquitas son las que quieren hacerlo todo en tablet o en laptop.

Sólo los gamers son un segmento en crecimiento en el mercado de las PCs, es más, podríamos usar números tan idiotas como los de apple que dice que crecen más rápido que las PCs, pues claro, cuando no eres nadie y vendes dos, tuviste un record...ay, apple. y ay de los que celebran esos números.

Pero me desvió, esta nueva oferta de Zalman es muy compacta, muchas hojas de cobre, porque lo que importa es el área, no el volumen (como extraño a mi maestro Manzanero)  y parece que lo puedes usar un buen rato.

Tengo un q6600 al que le puse un SSD y 4 gigas de DDR3, pero si puedo conseguirle un case pequeño, un SSD más grande y una de estas cosas, a lo mejor le quito el linux mint que trae y le pongo Win 8 para que sea un HTPC.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Watch Dogs To Receive PC-Exclusive Enhancements

Ya está poniendose interesante otra vez, AMD se coló a ambas consolas, y Nvidia se ha aliado con Ubisoft para que lo que llegue a PC no sea un pobre port

NVIDIA and Ubisoft have signed an unprecedented technical alliance that will see their biggest and best games enhanced with PC-exclusive effects and features. As one of Ubisoft's most anticipated titles Watch_Dogs is of course included in the new alliance, so we went to check out the game at Germany's GamesCom expo

Warsow 1.0

En EL soporte, free to play está evolucionado y maduro, no es como las horrendas implementaciones en las consolas o los teléfonos, y es que es bien fácil si el juego es un "pay to win", no lo juegues, déjalo, calificalo mal si la ofensa es grande, que solito se vaya al fondo.

Es Warsow me recuerda los años de UT y Quake III, y no sólo por lo sencillo de los gráficos (]eso debe ser bueno, seguro tu compu lo aguanta), el movimeinto, parece más de habilidad que de estar como enajenado.


Si resuelve el problema de los formatos propietarios, y el tamaño del archivo , pero el problema de la juntitis, y de la ideas mal comunicadas

Thor: The Dark World Prelude

Thor DW_20x13_FINAL

Comic en dos partes que llena algunos vacios en la continuidad entre Thor y Avengers, además de allanar el camino para la secuela que se estrena en unas semanas (Marvel no se mete en problemas y nunca estrena en Junio, Julio o Agosto, después de este terrible año para el blockbuster, espero que muchos sigan su ejemplo)

Ligas a comixology
Marvel's Thor: The Dark World Prelude #1 (of 2)
Marvel's Thor: The Dark World Prelude #2 (of 2)
¿qué es esto?

Sunday, August 25, 2013

PC Gaming for Free - PC Gamer


Free games! Free softwarel! More playing and less paying!
Tight budget? No problem. No other gaming platform on Earth offers you the virtually inexhaustible cornucopia of free stuff that PC gaming does. So if you’re feeling light in the wallet or just girding up for the holidays, give yourself some time to check out what you can get without dropping a cent. We’ll start with 50 amazing, totally free games where you’ll find everything from 20-minute diversions to weekend-consuming, endlessly-expanded strategy epics—and no shareware or microtrans-action-supported free-to-play funny business. Then we’ll show you where to find free software to make your own games or throttle up your gaming rig, and we’ll even let you in on a few secrets to keeping your gaming budget under control. Because fun doesn’t need to cost a ton.
Staying alive on the moon is a logistical nightmare, as Moonbase Alpha’s publisher, NASA, knows only too well. As an astronaut founding the first lunar structure, you and up to five friends must deal with the aftermath of a meteor strike that’s knocked out millions of dollars worth of sensitive space equipment. A perfectly good reason to ride around in a fancy lunar bus, build your own repair robots and utilize the low gravity to perform huge, slow-motion chest bumps when things go right. You’re timed, and awarded points based on the efficiency of your repairs, so good teamwork is essential if you’re after good leaderboard standing.
• Developer NASA • Link
ENDING Netbook Browser Download Difficult
You move a single icon in on an grid, solving tile-based combat challenges to progress to the next stage. What makes Ending stand out from innumerable other puzzle games is its randomly-generated roguelike mode, where you explore a dungeon that works on the same principle.
• Dev RobotAcid • Link
You’re the editor of a newspaper in a totalitarian state. Each day you must choose which stories to run and how much space to give them, impacting your paper’s popularity and the government’s approval with the general populace. Smart, cynical, and there’s a great twist near the end.
• Dev Dukope • Link
UNREAL WORLD Netbook Download
Roguelikes are traditionally about delving into mysterious dungeons in search of treasure. You can play UnReal World that way, or you can play it as a realistic hermit-simulator. It’s set in ancient Finland, so you’re as likely to die of cold and starvation as from attacking enemies. So fish, hunt, and practice your hide-working, and hope you can survive the long winter.
• Dev Enormous Elk • Link
SPACE FUNERAL Netbook Download Mature
You can learn a lot about this game from its opening menu, which takes the obvious RPG Maker buttons—New, Load and Quit—and replaces them with the less comfortingly familiar “BLOOD,” “BLOOD,” and “BLOOD.” You play Phillip, a depressed boy, who, with the help of his trusty Leg Horse (a pile of severed limbs), cries his way through a thoroughly caustic and deliberately unpleasant JRPG pastiche.
• Dev The Catamites • Link
SPACE STATION 13 Netbook Download Mature
Everyone has a role to play in this anarchic multiplayer space-disaster sim. As the ship’s AI, or the captain, police officer or engineer, you’ll have to complete your duties to stop the station from falling into chaos, but you might just be given a traitor role and told to assassinate the captain, or spawn as an alien monster. Even before these antagonists are introduced, the requirement for mass cooperation between internet strangers creates an entertaining state of utter shambles. Expect to explode. A lot.
• Dev Exadv1/Something Awful • Link
Each of RSSS’s 15 minigames is a self-contained challenge of QWOP-like flailing (see pg. 35). You must click and drag on your athlete to score in the crude 2D representations of each sport. What do you click? Where do you drag? RSSS never tells you, leaving your experimentation to collide with its basic physics. People, horses, and scenery go flying, and every failure is ridiculous enough produce a giggle. Yet you’ll find that each event is a satisfyingly tricky test of precision and ultimately of patience.
• Dev Crackerblocks • Link
MEAT BOY Netbook Browser
It lacks its paid-for older brother’s flashier features, but the original Meat Boy is a chunk of PC platforming history. The series’ fantastic controls—at once crisp and squishy, ping-ponging Meat Boy bloodily off the environment with each leap and slide—got their start here, and the first set of vertically-scrolling levels offer a stiff challenge. Very much worth upgrading to Super Meat Boy once you’re done.
• Dev Team Mic • Link
FLOW Netbook Browser Download
flOw’s minimalist appeal and dynamically adjusting difficulty curve has hooked hundreds of thousands. Use the mouse to guide a creature through an evolutionary mire, gobbling up smaller animals to grow, and hitting red blobs to swim deeper. When you eat, you evolve, but you can see large predators moving through the gloom on the levels below, waiting to swallow you whole. Serene yet addictive.
• Dev Jenova Chen • Link
Scratch all the layers of polish and visual fluff away from your favorite RPG, and you’ll find Kingdom of Loathing underneath. You create a stick-man hero and spend daily adventuring points to raid sketched-out dungeons, kill strange monsters and level up. Your actions resolve instantly, so this is a game about making decisions rather than honing twitch skills. An irreverent sense of humor keeps the grind from getting boring. Be a Disco Bandit! Fight Sinister Fudge Wizards with your Disco Ball! It’s a winning formula.
• Dev Asymmetric Publications • Link
QWOP Netbook Browser Difficult
QWOP is named after the keys you use to control it: QW to pump your sprinter’s thighs, OP to arc his calves. The experience is what I imagine it’s like to be an alien placed inside a robotic humansuit, pulling levers to maneuver the appendages. The result on screen is simultaneously tense and hilarious. One leg stretches out, the other hops pathetically, the runner’s balance starts to slowly topple, keys are hammered in an attempt to try to return upright, and then it’s over. Your score: 1.4 meters.
• Dev Bennett Foddy • Link
SLAVE OF GOD Download Mature
Increpare is better known for his puzzle games, but this neon, fuzzy, abstract club night hits you in different places by capturing the highs and lows of a night out. The dancefloor is full of spinning, elbowy forms; join them, and you might get drawn into the pull of another reveler, but you’ll only ever end up alone. Head to the club’s toilets, and you’ll start peeing on the floor before you even reach them.
• Dev Increpare • Link
COMPANION Netbook Browser
You’re a square floating in a black void, and there are three types of objects in the environment: stars, which stick to you; cuboid objects which do nothing, and jellyfish-like creatures which move toward you and electrocute you on contact. Then, very quickly, you meet another square like you, only smaller. It’s sleeping. You poke at it, and it wakes up—and hoots at you. Hello! He then follows you around, tooting curiously at the objects you find, and experimentally butting at them. Companion is a five-minute experiment—and a successful demonstration—of how to build a relationship between a player and an NPC.
• Dev Roburky • Link
A stylishly camp auto-running game about a robot unicorn leaping across gaps and listening to the Erasure song “Always” on repeat. If that doesn’t make you want to play it, I definitely don’t wanna be with you/or make believe with you/or live in harmony, harmony, oh love.
• Dev Adult Swim Games • Link
FACADE Download Mature
This one-scene interactive play casts you as sole guest at the most awkward party imaginable. Your hosts, Grace and Trip, are on the verge of marital breakup and can’t help but use you to snipe at each other’s flaws. A wobbly but fascinating study of social awkwardness.
• Dev Procedural Arts • Link
A visual novel in which you play a high-school teacher in the year 2027. Given access to the private messages of your class’s social network, you become increasingly involved with their lives and relationships. It’s a thoughtful exploration of privacy, with a surprising conclusion.
• Dev Christine Love • Link
WARSOW Multiplayer Download
This cartoony FPS takes its cues from the old school. That means twitch combat and the opportunity to boast skill, speed and precision. It’s movement system steals from the best—Quake and Unreal Tournament—to create an online shooter that offers both deathmatch and race servers. Master the simple but versatile control scheme and you’ll be circle, strafe, wall and rocket-jumping your way past lasers, bullets and explosives. But don’t let the high skill ceiling put you off—Warsow is purely transitory arcade action. There’s no progression or tracking, and the bots and varied modes mean that you can just jump in, jump around and get fragging.
• Dev Chasseur De Bots • Link
Collect eight pages attached to stuff in some woods while something unpleasant in a suit stands around and looks at you. It doesn’t sound scary, but the internet’s own Slenderman is a powerfully creepy kind of eight-foot horror. Your biggest roadblock to collecting all the pages is your own fear.
• Dev Parsec Productions • Link
A maze-building game that turns a tiny patch of desk into a warzone. Increasingly powerful creeps swarm in from the left. Slow them with ice rays, blast them with missiles, and craft a long intestinal catacomb of death out of gun turrets to ensnare and destroy them.
• Dev Paul Preece • Link
HIDE Netbook Download Scary
This indie horror game runs at a tiny resolution and is upscaled to provide a disorientating, monochrome experience. You hunt through a winter wilderness while being chased by mysterious, distant flashlights. Similar to Slender, Hide stands out througah its presentation and restraint. There’s no silly-looking monster to bump into—it’s all atmosphere and perseverance.
• Dev Andrew Shouldice • Link
HEXAGON Netbook Browser
Hexagon is essentially Super Hexagon’s Hexagon mode, in its entirety, for free. The premise is incredibly simple: you rotate an arrow around a circle and try to thread a path through a pulsing neon hexagonal maze. As an exercise in focus, reflexes and pattern recognition, it’s every other arcade game triple-distilled: a quick, high-yield dose of flashing lights, pounding music, and inevitable crushing failure.
• Dev Terry Cavanagh • Link
RED ROGUE Browser Download Mature
This side-scrolling action rogue-like posits that anyone who delves into a dungeon full of monsters is more than a little unhinged. Red Rogue’s heroine feels like the most monstrous thing in the game’s randomly generated levels. It’s the way she and her minion calmly despatch imps: blood spurting across the otherwise monochrome rooms. That feeling can easily slip into overconfidence. Whether it’s forgetting to scan for traps or making a poor deal with a chaos god, careless decisions are quickly punished.
• Dev Aaron Steed & Nathan Gallardo • Link
Samorost and its sequel are adventure games as Moomin creator Tove Jansson might have made them. Its patchwork art is made out of photographs of logs, plants, old cans; its white, hand-animated main character speaks in whoops and illustrations; and it all takes place on asteroids in space. With no inventory, it’s your job to solve puzzles by poking and prodding this world to reveal charming animations. Its creator went on to make the paid-for point-and-click Machinarium.
• Dev Amanita Design • Link
An inventive horror game that takes over a folder in your hard drive. Every time you boot it up it will place you somewhere new, and somewhere scarier. It only takes half an hour to complete, and the standout moment is a puzzle sequence that remixes the basic item-collecting of Slender and accelerates it over a couple of frantic minutes spent being chased around in circles in an underground carpark.
• Dev Ivan Zanotti • Link
GIRP Netbook Browser
It’s just as easy to fail at as QWOP, but GIRP is gentler somehow. You climb a rockface (and avoid falling into the sea) by holding down various keys on your keyboard to indicate where to place your climber’s flailing hands. Let go, and he lets go, turning the game into a kind of small-scale Twister—or full-scale Twister, if you’re lucky enough to get to play it on a set of modded dance mats.
• Dev Bennett Foddy • Link
A standalone FreeSpace 2 mod set in the Battlestar Galactica universe, Diaspora dispenses with heavy-handed real-world allegory in favor of recreating the show’s most iconic and exciting space dogfights. Good choice, modders! As a hotheaded Viper pilot, you battle toasters, pull 180 spins, and “come in hot.” The presentation is fantastic, and the voice acting solid, but it’s the scale of battles that sells the experience. Your first encounter with a Cylon Baseship feels as overwhelming and dangerous as the show suggests it should.
• Dev Diaspora Dev Team • Link
ONE CHANCE Netbook Browser Mature
This browser game uses cookies to prevent you from ever replaying it: you have literally one chance to see this brief point-and-click adventure through to the end. It’s set in a future where all life on Earth will be extinguished in six days: what you choose to do, who you choose to spend time with, and whether you accept your fate or try to fight it are the questions you’re asked to answer. What could be a cheap gimmick is actually very effective: it’s rare that a game asks you to really live with your decisions.
• Dev Awkward Silence Games • Link
TORIBASH Multiplayer Download Mature
This turn-based, physics-driven fighting game arrived at the PC Gamer compound in 2006. We would crowd around a single PC to watch each other flail, directing limbs individually in a hopeless attempt to connect a punch. Search YouTube today and you’ll find slickly edited montages of players performing the most absurd tricks, but it’s no less fun to fumble and feel your way towards some gory end.
• Dev Toribash Team • Link
Seen in the cold light of day, your main antagonist—a bulbous white Tellytubby of a thing—couldn’t frighten even an unusually high-strung child. But put it in an endless succession of gloomy, crepuscular rooms and its Tinky-Winky arms suddenly look like they could snap your neck in a second. Containment Breach’s power is doubled by drawing on the SCP mythos: a set of invented internet stories (or are they?) about horrors and monsters locked up by a shadowy organization. The terror-Tellytubby is SCP-173, and later versions of the game have added even more monsters.
• Dev SCP CB Team • Link
SUPER CRATE BOX Netbook Download
A single screen of platforms, with a steady stream of monsters pouring in at the top. A crate appears. Grab the weapon inside. Collect as many crates as possible to reach high scores, but each crate gives you a new weapon, and each weapon forces you to adapt your tactics.
• Dev Vlambeer • Link
BROGUE Netbook Download Difficult
It simplifies roguelike controls by using the mouse, but it’s the monkeys that make us love it. Free them from their goblin captors, and the little thieves become your friends, following you on your adventure until you drink the wrong potion and teleport yourself over a cliff.
• Dev Brian Walker • Link
OPENTTD Netbook Download
Transport Tycoon Deluxe is a classic of the management genre, created by Chris Sawyer before he discovered roller-coasters. This open-source recreation was built by and for those who would rather vomit over an improperly balanced spreadsheet than a stick of cotton candy. One of the best, and most frequently updated, indie strategy games ever made.
• Dev OpenTTD • Link
Initially a university project by students at the DigiPen Institute of Technology game development school in Seattle, Nitronic Rush is an arcade racing game inspired by Tron, WipeOut, and F-Zero. You drive a transforming virtual future-car in a twisting neon city, and a series of jet engines mounted around the chassis enable you to twist, airbreak, spin and even fly, limited only by your vehicle’s heat level. The game’s fantastic presentation enables it to compete with the best arcade racers on the PC, and Team Nitronic is clearly having more fun with the format than most of its peers. A Kick-started successor, Distance, is due later in the year.
• Dev Team Nitronic • Link
ALIEN SWARM Scary Download
Valve’s four-player arena game has a deep understanding of the kind of cooperative interaction that makes you love, hate, love, and then really hate your friends in the space of a 20-minute mission. It’s chest-burstingly full of opportunities for both heroism and public failure.
• Developer Valve • Link
DIGITAL: A LOVE STORY Netbook Download Mature
Part visual novel, part investigative adventure, Digital returns you to the world of the late ’80s internet. You dial up BBSes, message their users and hunt through their forums. All to understand the mysterious disappearance of a girl who sent you poetry.
• Dev Christine Love • Link
ZANGBANDTK Netbook Download Difficult
Released in 1990, Angband was a traditional roguelike—ASCII graphics, perma-death, fantasy setting. It begat Zangband, based on Roger Zelazny’s The Chronicles of Amber series, and which in turn begat ZangbandTK, which added a graphical interface, sound effects, and other things to make the game playable by human minds. A great starting point.
• Dev Tim Baker • Link
Your first time around any of the user-created tracks is a minutes-long exercise in failure: you’ll round the first corner and fall down a pit you had no way of seeing. Instant restarts are a salve for frustration, and it’s not long before you know when to hit the accelerator hard, when to prepare for a jump, and when to bank hard left when sailing through the air. After that, it’s all about becoming the fastest in the world.
• Dev Nadeo • Link
ZINETH Download
A high-speed skating game that’s somehow more stylistic and exaggerated than Jet Set Radio. There are missions to complete, secrets to uncover and a bizarre Twitter obsession to ponder. But all are distractions next to the effortlessly cool feeling of building momentum through the weird cel-shaded city. You can grind, slide and wall-ride your way to improbable speeds, using the ever increasing velocity to launch yourself towards the game’s ultimate goal—skating to the moon.
• Dev ArcaneKids • Link
This is a massive fantasy turn-based strategy game developed, run, and continually expanded by a dedicated community. Battle for Wesnoth is a particularly fine game for your netbook, because there are so many campaigns that you’ll basically never run out of things to do, and the turn-based pace is perfect for short sessions or gaming in places where you can’t use a mouse. Extensive guides for creating your own races, campaigns and maps make it easy to shift from player to developer, too.
• Dev Battle for Wesnoth • Link
FREECIV Netbook Browser Download
It’s Civ alright, but it’s free. Oh, if only the developers had thought of a way to express that in a name. We’ll just have to make do with a version of the classic turn-based strategy game that we can play in our browsers thanks to the sorcery of HTML 5. There’s an installable version, too, and although FreeCiv doesn’t have the glitz or polish of Civ III and onwards, it’s still tapped into that voodoo current of compulsion.
• Dev FreeCiv Community • Link
The best freeware JRPG about ex-NBA basketballer Charles Barkley and his flight from an evil Michael Jordan in Neo New York after he performed an illegal chaos dunk that caused the post-Cyberpocalypse. The combat is acceptable, but it’s the freewheeling funnies that’ll keep you playing. The creators had a shared love of making fun of indie games ultra-reverential to SNES-era JRPGs, and made their own game—but instead of filling it with earnest heroes and bad bishonen, they used sewer-dwelling poet furries, the giant floating head of ghost Bill Cosby, and a monster made entirely of sugar.
• Dev Tales of Games • Link
CANABALT Netbook Browser
The game that invented the endless runner, and also the game that proved that it is impossible to jump through a window if you are actually trying to do it. Canabalt’s still a blast today for its atmospheric, low-key sci-fi visuals and Danny Baranowsky’s amazing soundtrack. Those freaking windows, man.
• Dev Adam Atomic • Link
It’s a stealth game: there are traps to avoid, patrols to evade, shadows to cling to and terminals to hack. But Stealth Bastard: Tactical Espionage (we’ve clipped out the last word of the title which is a bit, uh, colorful) repurposes these genre staples to neatly fit into a 2D puzzle platformer. Time spent waiting is kept to a minimum. Instead, you’re encouraged to sneak, leap and clamber through the darkness, activating switches and buttons to progress through the intricately moving levels. The expanded, money-costing Deluxe version has overtaken the majority of the game’s website, but you can still access the original through a tiny link on the page.
• Dev Curve Studios • Link
CAVE STORY Netbook Download
The sheer size still impresses. It’s a vast, shooty platformer in the Metroid vein, and stands out for having been developed in one Japanese man’s spare time over five years. Paid-for versions have had their graphics retooled, but the original, free version is just as tight and rewarding.
• Dev Doukutsu Monogatari • Link
NEPTUNE’S PRIDE Netbook Multiplayer Browser
Or, How To End A Friendship In One Easy Strategy Game. The action is simple: move ships to conquer planets, then build an economy on those planets. The glacial pace ensures that as you set nefarious plans in motion against your best friend, they have hours to marvel at your cruelty.
• Dev Iron Helmet • Link
MARATHON Netbook Download
The Aleph One engine is an open source version of Bungie’s Marathon 2 engine. Not only can you download and play natively-supported classics Marathon 2: Durandal and Marathon Infinity, the original Marathon has been ported to the engine in a fan-made conversion. If you missed Bungie’s watershed series, it’s never too late.
• Dev Metanet Software • Link
DWARF FORTRESS Netbook Download Difficult
Climbing DF’s mountain of menu madness means a weekend of reading guides and scratching your head, but once you’ve scaled its ASCII peaks, the world’s most complex simulation game stretches out in front of you towards the horizon of PC gaming. After 10 years of development, the game generates religions, political histories, entire societies, and then challenges you to build and manage a thriving underground city, starting with seven depressed, alcoholic dwarves and a few supplies. You’re as likely to starve to death as you are to be trampled by wild elephants, but you’ll have fun dying.
• Dev Bay 12 Games • Link
MASQ Netbook Download
When you complete a playthrough, you get half a dozen images showing other scenes you might have missed. In the 15 minutes it took you to reach an ending, you attempted to keep your fashion design company solvent, solve your best friend’s murder, and resolve some tension with your wife. You probably failed at all of those. But then, in among those frames at the end, is a shot of you tossing a frisbee for a young kid on a beach. A kid? You didn’t even meet a kid. Why are you playing with him, and how do you get to that beach? You go back and try again and again, each time stumbling down new branches of Masq’s seedy, soap opera world.
• Dev Alteraction • Link
We’ve condemned excessively linear games before, but our love for Gravity Bone suggests that what we really crave are more interesting worlds and stories to be pulled through. Gravity Bone communicates your instructions through posters and notes, it populates its colorful world with blockheaded spies and bossa nova-style, and its use of ultra-short flash-back vignettes is structurally more interesting than anything most mainstream games even attempt. Using the Quake 2 engine was an inspired move, removing the loading zones that could sabotage the sporadic smash-cuts that make Gravity Bone so pacey and exciting. The use of filmic rhythms and references show that “cinematic” doesn’t need to be a dirty word in games.
• Dev Blendo Games • Link
SPELUNKY Netbook Download
Appear in a cave, hop around a bit, and plummet into a pit of spikes, gobs of your high-viscosity blood splashing all over the rock walls. Game over.
That’s pretty much everyone’s first move in Spelunky, which does not forgive mistakes, whether you make them one second or one hour into the game. But it’s the combination of difficult platforming, random level generation, and a reliable ruleset that makes Spelunky one of the few roguelikes where death isn’t just an educational experience—it’s an inventive and funny one too. It’s not just that an angry yeti can throw you off a cliff; it’s that afterwards, you can land next to even an angrier shopkeeper, who’s still pissed off about an incident earlier in the game when a stolen statue triggered a boulder that crushed his friend’s shop.
He’ll either shotgun you to death or erratically plunge into the abyss himself. If, by sheer luck of interweaving game systems, you do survive, seconds later you’ll mistime a jump and land in a pit of spikes, again.
Spelunky’s flair for the unpredictable refuses to fade after hundreds and deaths. The level generation formula will always throw up tricky new formations, and its denizens will spawn in new configurations. That bat you’ve dodged hundreds of times before can kill you on the 101st attempt. Spelunky is here to mess you up, and it will continue to mess you up for as long as you let it.
Experience helps, of course. You might start to recognize dangerous set-ups that you’d once try and blunder through, but when total mastery isn’t an option, you can only fall back on your wits. That’s the key to Spelunky’s brilliance. It never stops being interesting. You’re always improvising, making plans, and getting killed trying to outwit a damn bat.
The way Spelunky uses slapstick to salve the frustration of an accidental death is its best trick. Failure is an integral part of roguelike design, and finding a way to turn it into a source of fun feels like the final piece of the puzzle.
And by crossbreeding roguelikes and platformers, Spelunky solves other longstanding problems with both genres. The clear graphics and controls of its platforming forebears make the traditionally awkward, ASCII-graphics roguelike genre easy to understand, while the randomization and permadeath ditch the level memorization method of beating platformers in favor of surprise, strategy, and genuine fear of everything pointy, toothed, or armed.
The result is a game that looks superficially like an updated version of Dig Dug, but where playing it is a long series of meaningful choices, and where a wasted bomb can be the difference between finding the fabled city of gold and finding the cold embrace of death.
• Dev Mossmouth • Link

an article from PC Gamer (US Edition) | Oct-1

Free Play, PC Gamer - LOGAN DECKER

Free Play

My parents didn’t want to pay for computer games because a) they were too expensive and b) I needed to “get out more.” So I did. I went down to the Apple computer store near where we lived in Sunnyvale, California, and I cut a deal with the owners: I’d help sucker passers-by into the store for demonstrations, and in exchange, I got to borrow whatever games I wanted from the vinyl cassette binder they kept at the counter.

I’m not a lawyer and I’m bad with numbers so I couldn’t tell you how many laws were broken in this arrangement, particularly the one about not playing games you haven’t paid for. But all things considered, I think developers may have come out ahead in the end. That vinyl binder—holding it felt like holding the Cross of Coronado—imbued me with a life-long love of games the same way the public library I worked at indulged and promoted my love for books.

That’s yet another reason to love PC gaming. Everywhere you look we’re up to our HUDs in high-quality free games across every genre (check out our favorite 50—and more!—in “PC Gaming for Free” on page 33). I get why some developers bristle at the notions of free and deeply-discounted games, but they’re the kind of spark that ignites the passion for PC gaming. And that passion creates not only a new generation of PC gamers, but of developers too.


Saturday, August 24, 2013

Netflix Silverlight HD

La compu tiene un monitor de 30" a 2560X1600 en aspect ratio 16:10, reemplazó a una TV de 32" en aspect ratio 16:9.

La razón por la que sigo usando la compu para hacer el stream de netflix es porque acá, sin hacer nada de configuración en el router, ni estar pagando por VPNs puedo usar el "netflix gringo", y lo del bitrate se arregla con un shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S ,incomodisimo, cuatro teclas, pero bueno), así no batallo con los malditos subtítulos que fue una de mis quejas la primera vez que probé netflix

Además de que las smart TVs siguen siendo pobres sustitutos del poder del teclado+mouse

Lo único que no me gusta y que veremos como evoluciona cuando netflix deje silverlight, es que no hay audio multicanal, cierto que lo puedo simular con las Z5500, pero no es igual.

airdroid y los pequeños detalles

Ahora que Ballmer anunció que en cualquier momento él pasará la estafeta a alguien que pueda ver a la compañía que tanto ama cumplir con la transición a ser una empresa de dispositivos y servicios, y seguir ahí para los primeros pasos, el análisis, disección y en algunos casos (gente amargada ) ridiculizamiento de sus frases está a la orden del día.
You don’t need to be a computer scientist to use a Windows phone and you do to use and Android phone…It is hard for me to be excited about the Android phones.

Ustedes saben que a mi me llama mucho la atención Windows Phone, desde la versión 7, es más, desde Zune HD me parece que Microsoft entiende muy bien como interaccionamos con estos dispositivos hoy en día (ios 7 es concederle esa batalla a Microsoft) , pero siempre ha habido algo que me evita dar el salto, odio, en serio odio este duopolio de iOS y Android, Google no se me hace una compañía de fiar, no tengo una surface porque ya uso Windows 7, windows 8, iOS y quería probar lo nuevo de android (también quiero probar Firefox OS) pero a los teléfonos de Nokia y HTC con WP8 les falta algo, no me gusta llamarme "power user", pero a veces quisiera que se les pudiera "meter más mano", allá por 2008, antes de la app store, jailbreakeabamos (perdóname castellano) el ipod touch y usabamos SSH para mover contenido hacia y desde el mismo.

Android permite muchas cosas que iOS no sin necesidad de rootearlo, pagar por software o hacer conversiones, como usar torrents (que sacan de apuros) o ver vídeos sin convertir, y todo este contenido lo puedes mover sin broncas con herramientas como airdroid, y no, no necesitas ser un estudiante de ciencias de la computación, yo soy mecánico.

Los pequeños detalles

My original thoughts on timing would have had my retirement happen in the middle of our company’s transformation to a devices and services company. We need a CEO who will be here longer term for this new direction.”

Hay esperanza contra el duopolio, parece que en América latina...muy de lejos, per Windows Phone es número dos, ojalá el iphone 5C no lo arruine.

I Forgot My Phone

El otro día les decía que ya no quiero ser como estos autistas de este vídeo, veanlo, es corto (2;11)

Ella se llama Charlene deGuzman, tiene su canal en youtube, no sabemos que tanto agonice sobre que veas el vídeo en mobile en lugar de hablar con tus amigos.

Mi problema está grueso, pero creo que comparado con los que no paran de tomarse autoretratos, todavía lo manejo, y sí, peco de que llegando al semáforo enseguida corro a "aprovechar el tiempo", pero ...lo dejo cuando quiera :P

Friday, August 23, 2013

Apple Mac Pro (2013) trailer

La apple en forma de cafetera ya tiene un nuevo teaser.
SSD-PCIE y más

Insertar posts de Facebook en tu página

Bueno y malo
Bueno porque así puedes llevar algo de contenido de esa red a otra audiencia (y si eres de esos, monetizarlo, bla, bla...)
Malo porque las cookies que te siguen, registran y te revisan siguen llegando a más espacios, están las cookies de flash, y esas incansables cookies de facebook, y luego hasta perfiles sombra
Esta entrada no es mía, igual que en twitter, todos los updates públicos son "fair game", aunque me pregunto si desaparecerán cuando les cambien la privacidad, o también leera la cookie, y unos lo ven, otros no.

Digo, twitter no es ningún santo, pero te da la opción de salirte.

Post by 8fact.
Ahora que lo pienso, este blog presume su alineamiento con la EFF, tal vez valga la pena tocar más ese tema, siento que muchas veces los posts al respecto son muy condescendientes, pero veamos que se puede hacer.


No me aguante


WebAPIs - Firefox OS for developers: the platform HTML5 deserves

Dan Appelquist, Open Web Advocate from Telefónica Digital and Mozilla's Principal Developer Evangelist, Christian Heilmann, discuss how Firefox OS extends the capabilities of the Web using WebAPIs, pioneered by Mozilla and others. They discuss how these WebAPIs enable developers to build innovative apps by allowing them to access the underlying phone hardware using just Web technologies.

Me provoca mucha curiosidad probar este OS, con eso de que todo es HTML, debe ser un reto en países con concevtividad tan mediocre como la de México.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Este update define esta noche en twitter

Ya, en serio, dejen que nos azotemos un ratito, digo, no es como que nos vayan a hacer caso

¿En serio hay demanda para "the division" en PC

Creo que lo veremos en release, ojalá se estabilicé un poco la situación del F2P, yo soy de la vieja escuela y no me gusta.

Con los anuncios de esta semana, como que "the Elder Scrolls Online" vuelve al modelo de 15 USD pors mes, quiero creer que volveremos al mundo en que la elección del F2P es para ciertos juegos, pero si yo quiero tener una relación de confianza con editores y publishers, les pago antes.

Y ya que tocamos el tema de TESO

‘Skyrim’ success put pressure on ‘The Elder Scrolls Online’ team

Lenovo + Kobe = Moonlight Sonata

Ya sea en China o para marcas Chinas, Kobe es enorme en aquel mercado

Chanfle, de este hombre se han dicho muchas cosas, y una de las que son más ciertas, es que el nunca fue de Ghetto, en realidad la suya siempre ha sido una existencia privilegiada.
¿Será por eso que muchos no pueden ni verle...eso y que es Laker?

Battlefield 4 - Paracel Storm

Battlefield 3 lo compré en 2011, lo jugué un par de horas y no volví, no es para mi, luego compre la expansión, lo actualice y lo corrí unos minutos, en serio, eso de estar en el grind, no es para mi, a lo mejor para gente joven, o con muchos amigos que les guste ese relajo, no es mi caso, conozco poca gente de mi edad que juegue en línea con frecuencia, y lo peor es que puro FIFA, ellos no son voces calificadas para hablar de interminables sagas y como todo es derivativo , ja, ja, .

Me encantaba Quake III, nada de perks, nada de que el que más juega más tiene, empiezas igual y tu conocimiento del mapa, tus reflejos o tu estrategia eran lo que definía el resultado, habilidad contra habilidad, nada de pay to win .

Los adultos con problemas de control de su tiempo no podemos jugar con los chavales que tienen esto hecho una ciencia, hasta dando clases a través de xbox live, BF3 fue para mi la presentación en sociedad de Origin, en su momento esperábamos que llegará a Steam, y pues...seguimos esperando, aunque ya lo puedes comprar hasta en un humble bundle (todavía alcanzas) y ya hay un poco de retornos para los títulos de EA.

Simplemente estarse frageando online, una y otra, y otra, y otra vez, ya perdió el appeal para mi, hay días en que en serio me pregunto si ya es hora de dejar de jugar, digo, las cosas están muy mal, aunque, de repente aparece un human revolution o un bioshock y pues, seguimos comprando hardaware.

Watch intense and dramatic naval combat on swelling seas and stormy oceans, with 64-player action in the Battlefield 4 ""Paracel Storm"" map.

Battlefield 4™ is the genre-defining action blockbuster made from moments that blur the line between game and glory -- moments found only in Battlefield. With dynamic destructible environments, epic vehicular combat, and the chaos of all-out war, Battlefield 4 gives you the freedom to do more and be more for an unrivalled entertainment experience.

¿Qué significa fragear?
Verbo . Fragear es la acción de forzar a otro jugador en un multiplayer a un respawn, en general a un rival al provocarle la "muerte"
Cuando a uno le "matan" ha sido frageado, y si es el mismo jugador rival el que lo hace ya te "owneo"

Kobe Bryant - The True Genius by @sandro_nba

A lo mejor la "noticia" de hoy es que Lebrón por fin se rapó, pero, lo que vale la pena es este vídeo de Kobe Bryant

Me gusta que no usa el típico rap, hip-hop o Lux Aeterna...que francamente ya cansa.

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes - Trailer

Además del Super Skrull, también llega Galactus (que podría estar acabando con el universo Ultimate)
Al menos el trailer se ve bien, el último juego de Lego que probé, LEGO® Batman™ 2: DC Super Heroes no es tan divertido como el original, y de hecho hasta la película basada en el mismo tengo (y tampoco es muy buena)
Doctor Doom's Doom ray of DOOM!
Hay más información en la página de Marvel  
Gallery: Images From Galactus Lands in New LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Trailer

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Nowhere To Run - Batman: Arkham Origins

Ya quiero que salga, pero por otro lado, estos juegos están muy baratos enseguida, una paga 50 USD al inicio, y a veces hasta DLC, y en diciembre ya están en remate, y el GOTY o en paquete por 20 o menos. Batman, y los juegos si son muy buenos.

PS4 Noviembre 15 ($399 en USA)

Ya quedamos que los niñatos de consola si son tontos, pero TONTOS, lo de sony fue listo, pero ladino, de guardar silencio y dejar que Microsoft se disparará en el píe, la sony de los formatos propietarios, de repente era el héroe del pueblo, como decimos, aprovecharon la oportunidad.

Pero Microsoft no se murió con la suya, ya ha dado vuelta a los de tener el kinect siempre conectado (este fiasco de la NSA pudo haber sido la causa última), estos asnos quieren seguir jugando con discos, como en 1997, ese era su berrinche, y a muchas cosas, pero Sony hoy se vio muy mal, rematando los mismos puntos, aunque ahora sólo les pueden aplaudir los fanboys, que si Lebron se ve bien, al final de cuenta esto es puro marketing, la xbox one y la ps4 son tan parecidad que cada que un bandejo dice que una o la otra apestan, solitos se ponen en evidencia.